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A young, wealthy but hopelessly bored couple abandons their posh corporate life in Los Angeles to escape to the Caribbean for what they hope to be a carefree life of excitement. Their risk-taking sense of adventure clashes with the relationship they’ve built together.
A Bitter Lime est un film (1h 55min) de Max De Bowen avec Arielle Raycene, Deanna Pak, Biljana Mišić. Un casting de 7 stars sur CinéSérie
- (73)
- Arielle Raycene
- Max De Bowen
A young, wealthy but hopelessly bored couple abandons their posh corporate life in Los Angeles to escape to the Caribbean for what they hope to be a carefree life of excitement. Their risk-taking sense of adventure clashes with the relationship they've built together.
- 72 min
A young, wealthy but hopelessly bored couple abandons their posh corporate life in Los Angeles to escape to the Caribbean for what they hope to be a carefree life of excitement. Their risk-taking sense of adventure clashes with the relationship they've built together.
Stream 'A Bitter Lime' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story...
1 janv. 2015 · A young, wealthy but hopelessly bored couple abandons their posh corporate life in Los Angeles to escape to the Caribbean for what they hope to be a carefree life of excitement. Their risk-taking sense of adventure clashes with the relationship they've built together.
A young, wealthy but hopelessly bored couple abandons their posh corporate life in Los Angeles to escape to the Caribbean for what they hope to be a carefree life of excitement. Their risk-taking sense of adventure clashes with the relationship they've built together.