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La bataille de Waxhaws est une bataille de la guerre d'indépendance des États-Unis qui eut lieu le 29 mai 1780, près de la ville actuelle de Lancaster en Caroline du Sud, et qui opposa une force de l' Armée continentale, menée par Abraham Buford, à une force constituée essentiellement de Loyalistes, conduite par Banastre Tarleton.
15 avr. 2024 · La bataille de Waxhaws fut menée par des soldats continentaux contre des dragons britanniques et loyalistes en Caroline du Sud pendant la Révolution américaine. Elle se solda par une victoire britannique et un possible massacre des troupes continentales qui tentaient de se rendre.
The Waxhaws is a geographical region extending beyond both sides of the border between what now is North Carolina and South Carolina, United States. It encompasses the areas currently known as Lancaster, Union and Mecklenburg counties.
The Battle of Waxhaws (also known as the Waxhaws Massacre and Buford's Massacre) was a military engagement which took place on May 29, 1780 during the American Revolutionary War between a Patriot force led by Abraham Buford and a British force led by Banastre Tarleton near Lancaster, South Carolina. Buford's men consisted of ...
6 mai 2017 · Many Patriot survivors recalled how the British massacred many men who tried to surrender—resulting in Tarleton becoming known as a butcher and the engagement becoming a battle cry for Patriot forces citing “Remember Waxhaws!” in the Southern Theatre.
29 mai 2017 · The Battle of Waxhaws was a dreadful defeat for the Patriots. However, Americans were able to turn this stinging tactical loss into a propaganda victory, stirring up anti-British sentiment throughout the colonies.
15 avr. 2024 · The Battle of Waxhaws was fought by Continental soldiers against British and Loyalist dragoons in South Carolina during the American Revolution. It resulted in a British victory and the alleged massacre of the Continental troops, who were trying to surrender.