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  1. Domnitor (au pluriel, en roumain, domnitori) était le titre officiel du dirigeant des Principautés unies de Moldavie et de Valachie entre 1862 et 1881. Il est habituellement traduit par « prince » ou « grand-duc » dans les autres langages.

  2. › wiki › DomnitorDomnitor - Wikipedia

    Principe Domnitor (Romanian pl. Principi Domnitori) was the official title of the ruler of Romania between 1862 and 1881. It was usually translated as " prince regnant " in other languages and less often as " grand duke ".

    • Early Life
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    Born in Bârlad, Cuza belonged to the traditional boyar class in Moldavia, being the son of Ispravnic Ioan Cuza (who was also a landowner in Fălciu County) and his wife Sultana (or Soltana), a member of the Cozadini family of Greek Phanariote and Italian-Genovese origins. Alexander received an urbane European education, being educated at Jassy, Pavi...

    Diplomatic efforts

    Thus Cuza achieved a de facto union of the two principalities. The Powers backtracked, with Napoleon III of France remaining supportive, while the Austrian ministry withheld approval of such a union at the Congress of Paris (18 October 1858); partly as a consequence, Cuza's authority was not recognized by his nominal suzerain, Abdülaziz, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, until 23 December 1861.Even then, the union was only accepted for the duration of Cuza's rule. The union was formally decla...


    Assisted by his councilor Mihail Kogălniceanu, an intellectual leader of the 1848 revolution, Cuza initiated a series of reforms that contributed to the modernization of Romanian society and of state structures. His first measure addressed a need for increasing the land resources and revenues available to the state, by nationalizing monastic estates in 1863. Probably more than a quarter of Romania's farmland was controlled by untaxed Eastern Orthodox "Dedicated monasteries", which supported G...

    Cuza failed in his effort to create an alliance of prosperous peasants and a strong liberal prince, ruling as a benevolent authoritarian in the style of Napoleon III. Having to rely on a decreasing group of hand-picked bureaucrats, Cuza began facing a mounting opposition after his land reform bill, with liberal landowners voicing concerns over his ...

    Cuza, Alexandru Ioan (1820–1870), by Gerald J. Bobango and Paul E. Michelson, at the Encyclopedia of 1848 Revolutions.

  3. › fr › DomnitorDomnitor - Wikiwand

    Domnitor était le titre officiel du dirigeant des Principautés unies de Moldavie et de Valachie entre 1862 et 1881. Il est habituellement traduit par « prince » ou « grand-duc » dans les autres langages. Provenant du mot roumain domn signifiant « seigneur » ou « dirigeant », lui-même provenant du bas-latin Dominus, Domnitor était en ...

    • Bucarest
    • Monarchie constitutionnelle
    • Roumain
  4. Lista domnilor Moldovei. Aceasta este lista completă a domniilor în Moldova de la descălecatul lui Dragoș, până la Alexandru Ioan Cuza, prin care se realizează unirea din 1859 cu Țara Românească .

  5. 1re. Basarab Ier. (Basarab Întemeietorul) 1310 - 1352. (42 ans) Famille des Basarabi. Fils de Tihomir, il joue sur les rivalités entre le Hongrie et la Bulgarie pour gagner l'indépendance en 1330 à la bataille de Posada et réunir toute la Valachie ainsi que les bouches du Danube . 2e. Nicolae Ier.

  6. A fost fiul lui Bogdan al II-lea, domnind timp de 47 de ani, cea mai lungă domnie din epoca medievală din Țările Române. Ștefan cel Mare este considerat o personalitate marcantă a istoriei României, înzestrată cu mari calități de om de stat, diplomat și conducător militar.