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  1. The mixture of songs and instrumentals is still unmistakably Bonobo's own, with most of the sounds sampled from his live playing, cut up and reassembled in his own beguiling and very organic way. Most crucially, his chosen vocalist fits like a silk glove. German poet and singer Bajka's slightly smoky tone, purry delivery and the way she curls ...

  2. 30 janv. 2015 · 证,发现“Bonobo”中文翻译为“(产于非洲刚果河以南的)倭黑猩猩”。看到这个解释如果你还是丈二和尚摸不着头脑,那么“新媒体人”锲而不舍地晒出重口味截图 表示:“倭黑猩猩高度混交”、“倭黑猩猩随时随地交配”,闪瞎网友的眼

  3. orang utan-Pongo-猩属:. 骍猩 Po. pygmaeus(加里曼丹红猩猩). 彰猩 Po. abelii(苏门答腊红猩猩). chimpanzee & bonobo-Pan-㹼属:. 普㹼 Pa. troglodytes(黑猩猩). 侏㹼 Pa. paniscus(倭黑猩猩). gorilla-Gorilla-玃属:. 山玃 Go. beringei beringei(東部山地大猩猩). 坡玃 Go ...

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