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  1. Pseudogapping is an ellipsis mechanism that elides most but not all of a non-finite verb phrase; at least one part of the verb phrase remains, which is called the remnant. Pseudogapping occurs in comparative and contrastive contexts, so it appears often after subordinators and coordinators such as if , although , but , than , etc.

  2. 1 avr. 2017 · We argue that the flexible syntax-semantics interface of Hybrid TLCG enables an analysis of pseudogapping that synthesizes the key insights of both transformational and nontransformational approaches, at the same time overcoming the major difficulties of each type of approach.

    • Yusuke Kubota, Robert Levine
    • 2017
  3. 29 août 2013 · Featuring previously unpublished (and hitherto unattested) empirical data from the Scandinavian languages as well as new data from English, the analysis put forward in this monograph incorporates information-structural features into the syntactic derivation of Ellipsis.

  4. 4 janv. 2007 · Pseudogapping is often treated as a combination of movement and ellipsis in current generative work. After reviewing a number of arguments against this type of analysis, I argue for an interpretive approach to pseudogapping, following Miller (1990).

    • Jacob Hoeksema
    • 2007
  5. Set in the theoretical framework of generative syntax, and based on an in-depth investigation of the Pseudogapping phenomenon, the topics discussed in the book include (i) the nature of movement in Ellipsis configurations, and the implementation of this movement operation in current syntactic theory, (ii) the question of verb movement or verb ...

  6. 5 juil. 2016 · I provide an analysis of these restrictions in terms of Parallelism, arguing that the difference between pseudogapping and stripping is keyed to the different ways in which their correlates may take scope. The proposal accounts for the exceptional behavior of pseudogapping in comparatives, and it leads us to the conclusion that there ...

  7. Pseudogapping is a somewhat odd instance of ellipsis in which a lexical verb under an auxiliary is deleted, leaving behind its own complement(s). There are clear family resem-blances between pseudogapping on the one hand and gapping and VP ellipsis on the other. (1) Mary hasn’t dated Bill, but she has ∅ Harry. (pseudogapping)

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