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Evie and Boibot at, entertaining Artificially Intelligent companions express words and emotions. Teach a machine to behave the way you want. Deep, learning AI for communication, customer service, games, robots and more. Speak several languages and learn from people.
- English
Boibot is a learning AI. He was released in June 2015 but he...
- Help
Evie and Boibot are moving avatars built using Adobe Flash...
- Apps
Evie. Meet Evie, up close and personal! Boibot. Boibot is in...
- Machine Learning
Machine Learning. As of April 2016, the Cleverbot data set...
- Existor
Evie, the popular avatar which appears at
- English
Eviebot at, an Artificially Intelligent companion, and advanced, emotional chatbot avatar. For communication, customer service, games, robots and more. Speaks several languages and learns from people.
Evie et Boibot sont deux bots qui vivent leur vie séparément. Et si... nous les aidions à se rencontrer ?
- 9 min
- 1M
- KaraL
J'ai fait la connaissance d'Evie, une intelligence artificielle, très artificielle et pas intelligente en fait.Ma vidéo avec Boibot :
- 9 min
- 661,9K
- Machine Learning
- Our Bots
- Our Technology
- Contact Existor
Machine intelligence starts with the data computers analyze. We have acquired masses of the right data and the ability to clean it. We are using state of the art advanced machine-learning techniques and creating our own highly accurate algorithms to process the data to extract structured information from the noise. Our initial aim was to discover d...
Our bots participate in around 5 million conversational interactions every day. We log all those interactions, and have now gathered about 3 billion of them. This is a substantial amount of data, one of the largest corpuses of machine-human chatting data in the world. This allows us to engineer features, evaluate our learned models, serve predictio...
Machine intelligence starts with the data computers analyze. We have assembled enormous, important new datasets. There are only a few organisations that can amass a global dataset of significance because there are massive barriers to entry. We created our own algorithms and user interface,things you say to our avatars today may influence what it sa...
Please contact us with any enquiries about using Cleverscript, Cleverbot or Evie commercially, or any questions related with artificial intelligence, machine learning and virtual assistants. Email Call +44 20 8123 7525 Write to Existor Ltd, 32 Bartholomew Street West, Exeter EX4 3BN, United Kingdom
Evie and Boibot are moving avatars built using Adobe Flash (if you have it) and our Existor Avatar Player (if you don't). They figure out what to say using AI software created by Rollo Carpenter and Existor, the same software holding text conversations at Cleverbot.
Eh yo tout le monde et aujourd'hui on se retrouve sur la nouvelle version de Evie, Boibot !Il ressemble à Evie et à le même caractère sauf que...c'est un gar... a été visité par plus de 1 million utilisateurs le mois dernier
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