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  1. 18 sept. 2024 · As a dad with a newborn, I think the cap is great for the health, inclusion and longevity of the game. No reason to stress about a game. It’s a game, but WoW-PvP is unplayable if you get behind, so you can raise the cap, but it just makes the game exclude all the people who don’t have the time to grind as hard.

  2. 19 déc. 2018 · Depuis la sortie de Battle for Azeroth , nous avons remarqué qu’un nombre croissant de joueurs désactivaient leurs gains d’EXP au niveau 110 afin de faire progresser d’autres personnages à un rythme très rapide, sans gagner de niveau eux-mêmes. La désactivation du gain d’expérience a pour unique but de permettre à des personnages-joueurs de conserver un niveau inférieur pour ...

  3. 21 sept. 2019 · Salut à tous, Je voulais lancer une petite discussion autour du skillcap des classes par rôle pour guider un peu les joueurs qui veulent débuter/reroll et qui veulent choisir une classe pas forcément à cause de leur forces/faiblesses (parce que ça ça peut évoluer au gré des patchs). Personnellement je suis un éternel insatisfait du gameplay de mes spés du coup j’ai ENORMEMENT ...

  4. I really miss WOTLK and TBC. I wish Blizzard would bring them both back but in way that didn’t splinter the community. If TBC and WOTLK were scaled to be 55-60 zones and all of the unlocks became horizontal progression that would be amazing. Essentially this would keep all of the end game of azeroth, northrend and Outlands relevant.

  5. 31 juil. 2024 · End of dungeon drops are now capped at Hero 1/6, down from current 2/6. Myth track gear has 2 extra levels and vault is capped at 1/6, down from 2/4 in current season.

  6. 11 avr. 2020 · Par définition, la personne que tu viens de heal n’est plus la personne la plus bas en vie et donc, par conséquent, non, tu ne restes pas focalisé sur le même mate. Et crois-le ou non, considère que c’est du « pgm gaming lolilol » si tu veux, mais ça suffit largement pour spread ton Glimmer et en avoir grosso-modo 6 sur ton raid, hors Courroux.

  7. 27 août 2024 · HOTFIXES September 26, 2024 Classes Priest Void Leech no longer interrupts eating or drinking. Delves Fixed an issue where the Fungal Footpads could make you jump backwards. Fungal Footpads now heal for a percentage amount of your maximum health. The tooltip will be corrected in a future patch. Dungeons and Raids The Stonevault Chi Burst is no longer able to pull enemies through the walls ...

  8. 5 sept. 2024 · Valorstones are not the limiting currency, crests are. Even if you had a million Valorstones stocked up it would barely have any effect on the rate at which you’re able to upgrade things. The only thing the cap acomplishes is that 90% of the Valorstones I “earn” are wasted, because they drop from just about everything.

  9. 22 août 2024 · Comp Stomp cannot be joined at level 70 and requires a level 80 character to join. TWW hasn’t officially launched yet. The ‘current’ level cap is still 70. Did no-one think for just a second what would happen with the comp stomp event requirements when the TWW Early Access launched and the coded possible level cap changed? This event is super rare and it’s literally unplayable for ...

  10. Hello everyone, With the introduction of solo queue RBGs, I thought I had found something I truly enjoyed. However, since the start of the new season, I’ve been stuck bouncing between 1500-1600 rating, and it’s been over 100 games now. The purpose of this post is to ask what I, as a tank player, can do to help secure wins and better support the team. I’m not claiming to be the best or ...