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  1. 8 nov. 2017 · I try to build a library which compiles just fine on OSX (clang) and Linux (GCC/Clang). I stumbled upon a template definition which MSVC/Visual Studio 2017 does not understand.

  2. 44. votes. foo is used as a place-holder name, usually in example code to signify that the object being named, or the choice of name, is not part of the crux of the example. foo is often followed by bar, baz, and even bundy, if more than one such name is needed. Wikipedia calls these names Metasyntactic Variables.

  3. 15 mai 2018 · Navigate to the Roaming directory in command prompt and do this: C:\Users<My_Username>\AppData\Roaming> mkdir npm. OR. you can open the directory in File Explorer and create a new directory called "npm". and it was able to run. It looks like npx doesn't have create privileges or doesn't create the directory in C:\Users<My_Username>\AppData ...

  4. Replace XXXMYINDEXXXX with the name of an index. Replace XXXMYTABLEXXX with the name of a table. Replace XXXDATABASENAMEXXX with the name of a database. Solution 1. Indexing. Rebuild all indexes for a table in offline mode. ALTER INDEX ALL ON XXXMYTABLEXXX REBUILD. Rebuild one specified index for a table in offline mode.

  5. Pass it the name of the database that contains the data to be exported. The -Server parameter works like the -S parameter of sqlcmd.exe. Pass it the name of the server that contains the data to be exported. Export-CSV is a PowerShell cmdlet that serializes generic objects to CSV. It ships with PowerShell.

  6. 8 juil. 2017 · The __init__ method gets called after memory for the object is allocated: x = Point(1,2) It is important to use the self parameter inside an object's method if you want to persist the value with the object. If, for instance, you implement the __init__ method like this: class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): _x = x.

  7. 8. If you have tried all methods provided above but failed, maybe your module has the same name as a built-in module. Or, a module with the same name existing in a folder that has a high priority in sys.path than your module's. To debug, say your from import baz complaints ImportError: No module named bar.

  8. 2 mars 2010 · A string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition. Such a docstring becomes the __doc__ special attribute of that object. All modules should normally have docstrings, and all functions and classes exported by a module should also have docstrings.

  9. According to Microsoft. (DLL) Dynamic link libraries are files that contain data, code, or resources needed for the running of applications. These are files that are created by the windows ecosystem and can be shared between two or more applications. When a program or software runs on Windows, much of how the application works depends on the ...

  10. 17 juin 2011 · An @ symbol at the beginning of a line is used for class and function decorators: PEP 318: Decorators. Python Decorators - Python Wiki. The most common Python decorators are: @property. @classmethod. @staticmethod. An @ in the middle of a line is probably matrix multiplication: @ as a binary operator.