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Santurce est un quartier de la municipalité de San Juan, à Porto Rico. Sa population en 2010 était de 81 251 habitants 1, 2, 3. C'est également le plus grand et le plus peuplé de tous les districts de la capitale avec une population plus importante que la plupart des municipalités de Porto Rico et l'une des zones les plus densément ...
- San Juan
- 22,52 km2
- États-Unis
- Porto Rico
Santurce is located along the north-eastern coast of Puerto Rico. It lies south of the Atlantic Ocean, east of Old San Juan and west of Isla Verde. The district occupies an area of 5.24 square miles (13.6 km 2) of land and 3.46 (8.96 km2) of water. It is surrounded by six bodies of water: San Juan Bay, Condado Natural Lagoon, the Martín Peña ...
Santurce es un barrio / distrito del municipio de San Juan, Puerto Rico. Según el censo del año 2010, poseía una población de 81 251 habitantes conservándose como el barrio más poblado de todo Puerto Rico, aún y habiendo perdido más de la mitad de la población desde que alcanzó su máximo histórico en el censo de 1950.
Condado is an oceanfront, tree-lined, pedestrian-oriented upper middle to upper class community in Santurce. It is one of the forty subbarrios of Santurce in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Parada 20: Central High School constructed in 1925 in the Spanish Rennaissance Style. National Registry of Historic Places. Central High School today is a magnet school for Visual Arts and Graphic Design.
Things to Do. Arts & Culture. Walking through Santurce you’ll notice the buildings are adorned by art created by some of the best street artists and muralists in the world. What began as a beautification of old and abandoned buildings has turned Santurce into Puerto Rico’s version of the Wynwood Arts district in Miami.
Miramar is one of the forty subbarrios of Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico. The neighborhood has many historic Spanish Revival -style homes with patios and gardens, and it was listed on the Puerto Rico Register of Historic Sites and Zones in 2007 for its historical and architectural value.