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  1. The leading DeFi aggregator that unites the liquidity of decentralized exchanges and lending protocols into one comprehensive and secure interface and APIs, providing the best prices for traders and dApps.

  2. ParaSwap Delta is now Live 🎉 We are happy to announce ParaSwap Delta, a new advanced gasless and MEV-free version of ParaSwap. Maximized security with unparalleled execution efficiency, try it now!

  3. ParaSwap Beta Program allows users to download the Beta version of the ParaSwap iOS mobile app and access new features before anyone else. By testing new releases and providing feedback, users contribute directly to refine the iOS mobile app.

  4. ParaSwap Delta is an intent-based trading protocol that unlocks several benefits for swapping tokens, including: Gas-free trading: You can submit a trade without using a gas token, as Delta will execute it on your behalf.

  5. PSP 2.0 is a complete overhaul of the PSP tokenomics model. PSP 2.0 radically reduces PSP token emissions and incentivizes users who add value and perform services to ParaSwap by compensating them with a portion of the protocol fees in the form of native gas tokens (such as ETH).

  6. 1. Defi ni ti o ns A P I Ref ers t o t he A ppl i cat i on P rogrammi ng I nt erf ace (“A P I ”) t hat al l ows i t s user t o i nt egrat e t he S ervi ce i nt o i t s own T hi rd-P art y S ervi ce. Co m pa ny P araS wap Lt d, a company l i mi t ed by shares, represent i ng t he P araS wap F oundat i on. W hen used t hroughout , Company i ncl udes act i ons i mpl ement ed

  7. Access ParaSwap’s core DEX aggregator services to trade your cryptos at the best market rates.

  8. ParaSwap Help Center. Getting Started. By Nick 1 author 6 articles. Trading with ParaSwap. J. By James and 1 other 2 authors 6 articles. Limit Orders. J. By Nick and 1 other 2 authors 6 articles. PSP Token. By Nick 1 author 20 articles. Developer Experience. J. By Nick and 1 other 2 authors 4 articles. Troubleshooting. J. By Nick and 1 other 2 authors 5 articles. DeFi 101. By Nick 1 author 7 ...

  9. ParaSwap API allows users to fetch optimal prices to swap from one token to another and then build transaction data that can be used to execute transactions on-chain. To learn more about our API, please visit our API documentation.

  10. When heading to your active orders, you can see the current status of your limit order. This determines the state of the order and how close it is to being filled. Some possible statuses you might see include: Open: Limit order has been submitted, but no one has filled it yet.