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  1. › wiki › Linear_BLinear B - Wikipedia

    Linear B is a syllabic script that was used for writing in Mycenaean Greek, the earliest attested form of the Greek language. [1] The script predates the Greek alphabet by several centuries, the earliest known examples dating to around 1400 BC. [2]

    • Linear B Logograms
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    • Semanto-Phonetic Writing Systems
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    These logograms stand for whole words and mainly represent items that were traded. As Linear B was used mainly for recording transactions, this is not surprising. Some of the logograms resemble the things the represent, so could be called pictograms. Not all the logograms have been deciphered.

    Information about Linear B Linear B transliterator - Μεταγραφέας για τη Γραμμική Β Linear B...

    Akkadian Cuneiform, Ancient Egyptian (Demotic), Ancient Egyptian (Hieratic), Ancient Egyptian (Hieroglyphs), Chinese, Chữ-nôm, Cuneiform, Japanese, Jurchen, Khitan, Linear B, Luwian, Mayan, Naxi, Sawndip (Old Zhuang), Sui, Sumerian Cuneiform, Tangut (Hsihsia) Other writing systems Page last modified: 15.03.23 [top] You can support this site by Buyi...

    Learn about Linear B, a syllabary that represents an early form of Greek, and how it was deciphered by Michael Ventris and John Chadwick. See examples of Linear B symbols, logograms, numerals and inscriptions from Knossos and Mycenae.

  2. Le linéaire B est un syllabaire utilisé pour l'écriture du mycénien, une forme archaïque du grec ancien. Il se compose d'environ 87 signes. Les nombres sont décimaux, les poids et mesures sont d'inspiration babylonienne.

  3. 4 août 2023 · Le linéaire B était le système d'écriture de la civilisation mycénienne de l'âge du bronze en Méditerranée. Cette écriture syllabique fut utilisée pour écrire le grec mycénien d'environ 1500 à environ 1200 avant notre ère.

    • Mark Cartwright
  4. Learn about the discovery of Linear B, the ancient script of Mycenaean Greece, by Michael Ventris and John Chadwick in 1952. Explore their biographies, correspondence, and publications on the Faculty of Classics website.

  5. Linear B is a syllabic script used by Mycenaean Greeks in the 2nd millennium bc. Learn about its discovery, decipherment, and relation to Greek language and culture from Britannica articles and references.