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  1. 垃圾广告. 低质灌水. desperate和despair有什么区别despairn.1) 绝望 2) 使人绝望的人 (或事物)vi.绝望,失去希望,丧失信心e.g.He sighed with despair.他绝望地叹了口气.desperate adj.1) 不顾一切的,拼命的;2) 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的;3)

  2. 28 oct. 2014 · despair 与dismay 的区别. #合辑# 面试问优缺点怎么回答最加分?. n. 绝望;使人绝望的人(或事物). vi. 绝望. [例句]Driven by demons , jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. 魔鬼一面的乔布斯能让他身边的人暴怒和绝望。. It produced economic stagnation and despair.

  3. desperate——adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的。. 常用来形容抽象名词。. 谁能帮我辨析despair和desperation;despairing和desperate;?. despair可做名次也可做动词,desperation只做名词。. despair——n. 绝望;令人绝望的人或事;vi. 绝望,丧失信心。.

  4. despair的基本意思是“绝望”,引申可指“使人绝望的人〔事物〕”。 in despair意为“绝望地”,可用作 表语 ,也可用作状语。 despair的基本意思是“对…感到失望或绝望”,这种“失望”可指“彻底失望或绝望”,口气很强,有时有“悲痛”的含义;它是 不及物动词 ,常与of连用,表示“对…失望

  5. 11 août 2017 · adj.不好的;严重的;有危险的;需认真思考的;严肃的;重要的;须重视的。. [例句]A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem. 许多驾车者有严重的态度问题。. despair和despire有何区别despair可作名词也可作不及物动词,当其作动词时后加上of便可接名词;而desperate是 ...

  6. 20 nov. 2011 · e.g. Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. [谚]猛药起沉疴;在非常情况下必须采取非常手段。. depressed,despair,desperate 这3个词的区别和用法1. depressed: adj. 1) 精神不振的,忧伤的,消沉的; 2) 经济萧条的,不景气的e.g. Emotionally or mentally depressed.

  7. 15 juin 2012 · 马丁路德金在《I have a dream》的演讲词中有这样一句话,“We will hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope(我们从绝望的大山中砍下一块希望的石头)”。绝望是大山,希望是石头,但是只要你能砍下一块希望的石头,你就有了希望。 在马丁•路德•金的时代 ...

  8. 18 oct. 2011 · 关注. 新东方 “在绝望中寻找希望”这句话,跟美国著名的民权运动家 Martin Luther King所说的话是一模一样的,他在 I have a dream 演讲词 中说过: "We will hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope." (我们从绝望的大山中砍出一块希望的石头。. )请记住,绝望是大山 ...

  9. Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out. 《围城》的象征源自书中人物对话中引用的外国成语,“结婚仿佛金漆的鸟笼,笼子外面的鸟想住进去,笼内的鸟想飞出来;所以结而离,离而结,没有了局。”又说像“被围困的 ...

  10. 12 janv. 2007 · 小说英译本原文 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to ...

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