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  1. In this countdown we take a look at Top 10 Chuck and Blair Moments! Some of their best moments we've included is their first kiss, the classic "three words, eight letters," when Chuck asks...

    • 11 min
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    • MsMojo
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    The relationship between Blair and Chuck, refers to the partnership and relationship between Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass.

    Blair and Chuck grew up together on the Upper East Side, along with their respective best friends Serena Van Der Woodsen and Nate Archibald. Blair loses her virginity to Chuck in Victor Victrola, and they officially enter into a relationship in The Goodbye Gossip Girl.

    Blair and Chuck have no real relationship other than acquaintances; as Chuck is a minor character in the books. The two date in London for a year, but break up.

    Season One

    Chuck: Admit it. Even for me, this is good. Blair: If you weren't such a perv, I'm sure the CIA would hire you in a second. Chuck: Defending my country. Now there's a future I never imagined. Blair: With good reason. What is she doing there? Chuck: What is anyone doing there? It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted. Blair: You must have your own wing. Chuck: You don't get nearly enough credit for your wit. -Poison Ivy (1x3) _______________________________ Blair: You don't think I'd really go up there. Chuck: I know you wouldn't. Blair: Hold my drink. -Victor Victrola (1x7) _______________________________ Blair: Do you.. like me? Chuck: Define like. -Seventeen Candles (1x8) _______________________________ Chuck: You looked pretty hot on Prince Theodore's arm today. Blair: Is that what I am to you, just an accessory? Chuck: Next to him, yes. On me, you'd be so much more. -Hi, Society (1x10) _______________________________ Blair: Isn't there someone else you can torture? Chuck: Probably. But I choose you. -School Lies (1x12) _______________________________ Chuck: They say when you love something, you should set it free. Blair: Ugh. They say when you hate something, you should slam a door in its face. Chuck: I love when you talk dirty, Blair. Chuck: In the face of true love, you don't just give up. Even if the object of your affection is begging you to. Chuck: Let's take it slow this time. Do it right. Blair: Chuck Bass is a romantic. Who knew? Chuck: Well, now you do. That's all that matters. -Much 'I Do' About Nothing (1x18) _______________________________

    Season Two

    Chuck: Look, I never should have abandoned you. I know I made the wrong decision as soon as your plane took off. Distracted myself all summer, hoping I wouldn't feel it.. but I still do. Blair: And? Chuck: I was scared.. Scared that if we spent the whole summer together, just us, then you'd see. Blair: See what? Chuck: Me. Please don't leave with him. Blair: Why? Give me a reason. And "I"m Chuck Bass" doesn't count. Chuck: Cause you don't want to. Blair: Not good enough. Chuck: Cause I don't want you to. Blair: That's not enough. Chuck: What else is there? Blair: The true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words. Eight letters. Say it.. and I'm yours. -Summer Kind of Wonderful (2x1) _______________________________ Chuck: Have sex with me. Blair: What? Chuck: Just once, that's all I need. Blair: You are disgusting and I hate you. Chuck: So why are you still holding my hand? -The Dark Night (2x3) _______________________________ Blair: What took you so long? Chuck: If you thought that was long, you have no idea what you're in for. Chuck: Say it. Blair: Say what, I'll say Chuck: Say those three words you wanted me to say. Blair: Are you kidding? Chuck: Not quite. Eight letters, three syllables, say it and I'm yours. Blair: But I'm already yours and you're ruining the mood with all this talk. Chuck: You can't say it. You wanted it from me. Blair: Well, I'm prepared to settle- Chuck: Maybe I'm not. Blair: Chuck Bass.. I will never say those words to you. Chuck: Then you will never have me. Blair: Is this because of Vanessa? It was a game, Chuck. That's it. Chuck: Well, maybe I want to raise the stakes. Are you ready to play that game? I chased you for long enough. Now it's time you chased me. -Chuck In Real Life (2x7) _______________________________ Chuck: The reason we can't say those three words to each other isn't because they aren't true. Blair: Then why? Chuck: I think we both know that the moment we do, it won't be the start of something. It will be the end. Think about it. Chuck and Blair, going to the movies. Chuck and Blair, holding hands. Blair: We don't have to do those things. We can do the things that we like. Chuck: What we like is this. Blair: The game. Chuck: Without it, I'm not sure how long we'd last. It'd just be a matter of time before we messed it up. Look, I'd rather wait... and maybe in the future... Blair: I'm sure there could be some excruciating pleasure in that. -Pret-a-Poor-J (2x8) _______________________________ Chuck: We're inevitable, Waldorf. Chuck: I wouldn't change us. Not if it means losing what we have, Blair: And what do we have Chuck? You tell me. Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me. -It's a Wonderful Lie (2x12) _______________________________ Blair: Chuck! Stop! Don't go. Or if you have to leave, let me come with you. Chuck: I appreciate the concern. Blair: No. You don't. You don't appreciate anything today. But I don't care. Whatever you're going through, I want to be there for you. Chuck: We talked about this. You are not my girlfriend. Blair: But I am me. And you're you. We're Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had. I will stand by you through anything. Chuck: And why would you do that? Blair: Because I love you. Chuck: Well that's too bad. -O Brother, Where Bart Thou? (2x13) _______________________________ Chuck: I'M CHUCK BASS! No one cares. Blair: I do! Don't you understand? I'll always be here. I don't want you going anywhere. I couldn't bear it. So whatever you want to do to yourself, please don't do that to me. -In the Realm of the Basses (2x14) _______________________________ Chuck: This isn't you. Blair: How do you know? Chuck: Because I know you better than I know myself. -The Grandfather (2x19) _______________________________ Blair: Last fall, you said we couldn't be together and I believed you. But every time I try to move on, you're right there, acting like- Chuck: Acting like what? Blair: Like.. maybe you want me to be as unhappy as you are. Chuck: I would never wish that on anyone. I want you to be happy. Blair: Then look down deep, into the soul I know you have, and tell me if what you feel for me is real.. or if it's just a game. If it's real, we'll figure it out. All of us. But if it's not, then please, Chuck, just let me go. Chuck: It's just a game. I hate to lose. You're free to go. Blair: Thank you. Serena: Chuck, why did you just do that? Chuck: Because I love her. And I can't make her happy. -The Wrath of Con (2x23) _______________________________ Blair: I know you told Serena you love me. Chuck: Serena heard wrong. Blair: Last year, you told Nate. This year, you told Serena. You tell everyone but me. Why can't you tell me? You can't run, you have to stay here and hear it this time. Chuck Bass, I love you. I love you so much it consumes me. I love you and I know you love me too. Tell me you love me and everything we've done, all the gossip and the lies and the hurt, will have been for something. Tell me it was for something. Chuck: Maybe it was, but it's not anymore. Chuck: You were right. I was a coward running away again, but everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back. Blair: I want to believe you, but I can't. You've hurt me too many times. Chuck: You can believe me this time. Blair: Oh.. that's it? Chuck: I love you too. -The Goodbye Gossip Girl (2x25) _______________________________

    Season Three

    Chuck: I'm not Chuck Bass without you. -Reversals of Fortune (3x1) _______________________________ Blair: I need that society. You don't turn down destiny. Chuck: It's not destiny if you have to barter your way in. You're special enough on your own, you don't need some group to say you are. Blair: And what about you? Since when does Chuck Bass pay for a partner? The Chuck I knew bribed no one but me. Chuck: I've been meeting with the board of Bass Industries all morning. I told them I want to cash my shares out. Risk it all. They think I've lost my mind. Blair: Have you? Chuck: No. Blair: Then how can you be so sure? Chuck: Because you believe in me. -The Lost Boy (3x3) _______________________________ Chuck: Look, NYU is hard, but Blair Waldorf does not give up. Blair: I'm not giving up. I've made a strategic retreat. Chuck: Potato, potato.  Blair: You don't understand. Chuck: I do understand. Let me help. Blair: No, Chuck. NYU is not the Upper East Side. They don't care about Constance or the social hierarchy, they don't care that I'm Blair Waldorf! It's over.  Chuck: And you do this to me.  Blair: What are you talking about? Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass. And I told you I love you. You're saying that I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual homesick malcontents? You'd really insult me like this? Blair: That's not how it is. Chuck: That's exactly how it is. So the next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass and I love you. -Dan de Fleurette (3x4) _______________________________ Blair: Are you upset because you kissed a guy? Chuck: I'm upset because I kissed somebody who wasn't you. Do you really think I've never kissed a guy before? Blair: Love me? Chuck: Always. -Enough About Eve (3x6) _______________________________ Chuck: Blair. You and I both know you'll never be completely trustworthy. I admit it's not my strong suit either, but it keeps things interesting between us. -How to Succeed in Bassness (3x7) _______________________________ Chuck: My father always thought I was weak. And in the moment that mattered most, I was. I couldn't be there when he... I left. Ran away. I've been pushing myself to prove him wrong and... pushing you away. Blair: I don't think you ran away because you couldn't handle death. I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings. But you aren't like that anymore. You're strong. You carry people. You carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was. Come. Let's say goodbye. -The Debarted (3x12) _______________________________ Chuck: I spent 18 years accepting the fact my mother was dead. It was misguided to let one of my father's girlfriends allow me to question that. TO hope things may be different. Blair: Your real mother would never turn her back on a chance to know you. Chuck: I don't have a real mother, Blair. I never will. Blair: That doesn't mean you're alone. I love you, Chuck, and I'll always be your family. -The Hurt Locket (3x13) _______________________________ Blair: Please tell me Jack was lying. You wouldn't betray me like that. Chuck: Me betray you? You're the one who just came from seeing my uncle! Blair: I went there for you. Because I thought it was the only way to save your hotel. I would've done anything to help you. All you had to do was ask. Chuck: If I had asked, it wouldn't have worked. You would have been too willing when Jack came to you, and he would have known we were working together. I did what I had to to win. Blair: No.. Chuck: I can't let my feelings cost me all that I've built. Blair: Even if it means losing me instead. All I ever did was love you.  Chuck: The worst thing I ever did. The darkest thought I ever had. You said you would stand by me through anything. This, Blair, is anything. Blair: I never thought the worst thing you would ever do would be to me. Chuck: You went up there on your own. Blair *slaps him*: Goodbye, Chuck. -Inglourious Bassterds (3x17) _______________________________ Chuck: Blair, you and I are magnetic. You can feel it. Our pull is as undeniable as ever. Blair: It's different this time. Chuck: It doesn't have to be. I love you. Saying it was hard, but I did and I've never looked back. So now I'm asking you: please do this for me. Please forgive me. Blair: I'm sorry, I can't. Blair: Everything you said last night was true. We do belong together. We're both sick and twisted. If you think about it, we're incredibly fortunate to have even found each other. Chuck: Blair, I don't want this to be you settling, some sort of consolation- Blair: We've both his rock bottom, Chuck. But we've hit it together. At least we won't be lonely in hell. Blair: I want what Dorota and Vanya have. Real love. Pure and simple love. Chuck: You'd be bored within five minutes. Blair: Better bored than ashamed of myself. I would do anything for you, Chuck, but what if that's wrong? I never thought it was possible to love someone too much but maybe it is. I don't like who I've become with you.  Chuck: Wait, Blair.. don't bail on me. We have to see this through to the end. Blair: This is the end, Chuck. -The Unblairable Lightness of Being (3x18) _______________________________ Blair: I wasn't going to show up. I was resolve not to. Every bone in my body tried to slow me, every voice in my head screamed don't. Chuck: But? Blair: But I didn't listen. I followed my heart because I love you. I can't deny that our path has been complicated but in the end love makes everything simple. -Last Tango, Then Paris (3x22) _______________________________

    •They won the Hollywood Life poll for Hottest TV Couple.

    •They won the Hollywood Life 25 Hottest TV Couples Poll in 2012.

    •They won the Hollywood Life for The TV Couples We Want to See Together Poll in 2012.

    •They won the Wetpaint Poll of the Sexiest Couple on a Scripted TV Show.

    •They won EW's Sexiest Couple on Network TV Poll.

    •They won BuzzSugar's Poll for The Best TV Romance of 2009.

    • « Beaucoup ‘je fais’ pour rien » (saison 1, épisode 18) Cet épisode de la saison 1 est un gros problème car Chuck dit à Nate qu’il aime Blair. Étant donné que Nate et Blair ont eu une relation sérieuse pendant un certain temps et que Chuck et Nate sont censés être les meilleurs amis, c’est définitivement un problème.
    • « C’est un merveilleux mensonge » (saison 2, épisode 12) Il y a tellement d’événements Gossip Girl amusants tout au long des six saisons de l’émission, y compris le Snowflake Ball.
    • « Le grand-père » (saison 2, épisode 19) Blair sort avec plusieurs personnes tout au long de la série, bien qu’il soit difficile de ne pas vouloir qu’elle soit avec Chuck tout le temps, étant donné l’amour qu’ils ont l’un pour l’autre du début à la fin.
    • « Riding In Town Cars With Boys » (Saison 5, Épisode 10) Dans cet épisode de la saison 5, qui est l’un des plus intenses de toute la série, Chuck et Blair font un tour effrayant en voiture.
  2. 8 nov. 2022 · Eux, ce sont Chuck (Ed Westwick) et Blair (Leighton Meester), les jeunes héritiers de Gossip Girl. Pendant 6 saisons, et plus de 120 épisodes, ces deux-là ont fait la joie des inconditionnels ...

    • Cheffe de Service
  3. Blair : Tu peux changer ton nom mais ça ne changera pas ce que tu es. Chuck : C'est déjà ça. J'vais apprendre à vivre simplement, à gagner l'estime des autres et peut-être que je deviendrai ...

    • 3 min
    • 429,3K
    • Beverly Hills
  4. 28 juin 2020 · Chuck: Please don’t leave with him.Blair: Why? Give me a reason.

    • 18 min
    • 133,7K
    • Exiled_Introvert
  5. Pour les fans de Chuck et Blair, la série ne démarre pas vraiment avant lépisode sept. C’est alors que Blair – épuisé par son incapacité à s’engager – met fin à sa relation avec Nate. Elle assiste à l’ouverture du club burlesque de Chuck et jette la prudence au vent avec un strip-tease spontané.

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