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  1. Un barrister (mot traduisible en français par « avocat plaidant » [1]) est un type d'avocat de haut niveau exerçant son métier dans un pays de Common law qui conseille, conduit le procès et défend la cause par la plaidoirie et par écrit.

  2. › wiki › BarristerBarrister - Wikipedia

    A barrister is a lawyer who represents a litigant as an advocate before a court. A barrister speaks in court and presents the case before a judge, with or without a jury. In some jurisdictions, a barrister receives additional training in evidence law, ethics, and court practice and procedure.

  3. Un barrister britannique. Au Royaume-Uni, la fonction d'avocat est scindée en deux corps : celui des barristers (Angleterre et Pays de Galles) ou des advocates , qui plaident les affaires devant les cours ; celui des solicitors, avocat généraliste, qui instrumentent, postulent, et conseillent juridiquement leurs clients.

  4. › wiki › LawyerLawyer - Wikipedia

    A barrister (also known as an advocate or counselor in some jurisdictions) is a lawyer who typically specializes in arguing before courts, particularly in higher courts. A solicitor (or attorney) is a lawyer who is trained to prepare cases and give advice on legal subjects.

  5. › fr › BarristerBarrister - Wikiwand

    Un barrister (mot traduisible en français par « avocat plaidant ») est un type d' avocat de haut niveau exerçant son métier dans un pays de Common law qui conseille, conduit le procès et défend la cause par la plaidoirie et par écrit.

  6. The barristers analyze the briefs and bring the results to the court. At the moment, there are approximately 10,000 barristers in England and Wales. Most of them have their offices in London. Their elite still form the King's Counsels, of which many of the judges for higher courts are chosen.

  7. Barristers in England and Wales are one of the two main categories of lawyer in England and Wales, the other being solicitors. Barristers have traditionally had the role of handling cases for representation in court, both defence and prosecution.