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Play chess vs. computer opponents of all skill levels. Practice with coach bots or take on a roster of unique characters with new additions every month.
87654321abcdefgh. Challenge a friend to a game of online chess. Search by email or username and choose from a variety of game formats. Play for free with no download required.
Jouez aux échecs gratuitement sur Chess.com avec plus de 150 millions de membres du monde entier. Jouez des parties avec vos amis ou contre l’ordinateur !
Choisissez les paramètres que vous voulez. Jouez aux échecs contre des adversaires virtuels de tous les niveaux. Suivez les conseils des bots entraîneurs ou affrontez des équipes de personnages uniques et découvrez-en de nouveaux chaque mois.
Play chess online for free on Chess.com with over 150 million members from around the world. Have fun playing with friends or challenging the computer!
Play live 2-player chess online for free in seconds! Challenge a random opponent or a friend with a simple click.
7 janv. 2014 · Step 1. How To Setup The Chessboard. At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then arranged the same way each time. The second row (or rank) is filled with pawns. The rooks go in the corners, then the knights next to them ...
Jouer avec un ami. Tournois. 119,245 15,509,291. Jouez gratuitement aux échecs en ligne à deux joueurs en quelques secondes ! Défiez en un clic un ami ou un adversaire au hasard à une partie d’échecs en temps réel. Pas d’inscription ni de téléchargement nécessaire !
Practice. Quickly improve your technique by practicing key patterns. Train with a flexible computer opponent and win more games! Train strategy, tactics, and more!
How The Chess Pieces Move. King - Moves one square in any direction. Queen - Moves any number of squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically. Rook - Moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically. Bishop - Moves any number of squares diagonally. Knight - Moves in an ‘L-shape,’ two squares in a straight direction, and then one ...