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  1. 徐小宁. 【十年】在中文中确实是有对应词的,叫【秩】,但确实不如世纪之类常见常用。. 可能就像楼上说的,中国人更看重十二年、一百年之类的吧~. 编辑于 2013-07-08 05:22. 知乎用户. 旬。. 满旬,说的就是整十岁的生日。. 一旬,就是十年。. 如六旬老人/年过 ...

  2. 20 avr. 2023 · Synonym for over the past decades The difference can be pretty subtle at times. Generally, "Over the past decades" means that, for the last few decades, something has been happening regularly or continuously. "During the past decades" can mean the same thing OR it can be much more vague, saying only that it *has* happened, but without describing how much or how often. "I went to school over ...

  3. Decade的问题有很多,一个一个说. 首先是平行世界. 平行世界是Decade的卖点。平行世界导致变身者都变了其实没啥问题,作为平行世界的旅游,这个设定其实是十分新颖的。 但是这个平行世界是相对谁的平行世界?

  4. Q: decade を使った例文を教えて下さい。. A: A decade has passed since I met my wife. 奥さんを初めて会ってから、10年が経っている. It's been decade s since I got married. 結婚してから、 decade sが経っている(10年単位で、20年以上、90年以内の間隔). It was decade s ago now that America ...

  5. In the/this decade = in these 10 years This implies you're talking about the current decade.的同义词 in a decadeIn a decade = in 10 years time This has no specific date. 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语

  6. lynnguist. 2015年3月14日. 英语 (美国) 'In the past decade' means that it happened at some point within the last ten years. 'Over the past decade' means that it happened repeatedly, more than once, or for the entire last ten years. 查看翻译.

  7. decadeThere isn't much of a difference really - a decade IS 10 years. I guess the only minute difference would be how we use them... I mean we can say two decades or three decades to signify 20 or 30 years but there really isn't much of a difference :)|They mean the same thing. "Decade" sounds more formal.的同义词.

  8. 意味を教えてください どうちがうの?. 例文を教えてください 自由に質問したい. 【ネイティブが回答】「a decade on 」ってどういう意味?. 質問に2件の回答が集まっています!. Hinativeでは"英語(イギリス)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブ ...

  9. 你知道decade表十年,其实deca是前缀,表:10,可以组成新词:decameter十米,decagon十边形,decathlon十项全能 同理bi-是前缀表:双,一对,二。bilingual双语的,biped两足动物,biannual一年两次的,biennial两年一次的,bimonthly,一月两次的。 同理tri-:三。triple三倍的 ...

  10. over the past decadesThe difference can be pretty subtle at times. Generally, "Over the past decades" means that, for the last few decades, something has been happening regularly or continuously. "During the past decades" can mean the same thing OR it can be much more vague, saying only that it *has* happened, but without describing how much or how often. "I went to school over the past decade ...

  1. Recherches liées à Decade
