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  1. 12 mai 2018 · We draw a blade out of a sheath or holster. I imagine that if you want to stab someone surreptitiously, you should draw the blade out very slowly to avoid making a noise and alerting your victim. I imagine that if you want to stab someone surreptitiously, you should draw the blade out very slowly to avoid making a noise and alerting your victim.

  2. 29 mai 2006 · May 29, 2006. #2. I used to be a keen rower in my youth (not at Eton College though). The 'blade' is the oar, and more specifically the part at the end of the oar which dips into the water on each stroke. When the blade moves through the water, it is in a vertical position, to catch the water. However, when the oarsman moves his body forward ...

  3. 12 sept. 2013 · Senior Member. french- France. Sep 12, 2013. #1. Hi everyone, I am trying to translate a menu and I have quite difficulties as the words are new for me. Here's the sentence: "Braised Feather blade of Scotch Borders Beef With Wild Mushrooms, Local Ale & Champ. which I translated by "Épaule de boeuf braisée de provenance écossaise et sa sauce ...

  4. 6 juin 2010 · Blade of the tongue es la superficie plana que se encuentra inmediatamente después de la punta de la lengua. Los distintos sonidos fonéticos se hacen modulando estas zonas di diferentes maneras. Cuando la boca está en reposo, "the blade of the tongue" es la zona que descansa apoyada sobre la parte media superior del paladar. Saludos

  5. 19 juin 2008 · UK English. Jun 19, 2008. #2. In this context, I would interpret the verb "blade" as "moving along on roller blades", so "blade past" just means "pass by on roller blades". Roller blades are skates that have a single row of wheels down the middle of each shoe, as opposed to one on each corner like in the old days. C.

  6. 30 déc. 2012 · 布罗斯的小说是为改编电影剧本而写的,原作是艾伦·诺斯的《The Bladerunner》,写的是贩卖黑市医疗器械的故事,这里的“Blade”就是指手术刀。. 至于影片的中文译名《银翼杀手》,很可能是译者的发挥,因为《Blade Runner: A Movie》的初版书封画着一只带翅膀的 ...

  7. 6 déc. 2009 · Member. mexician spanish. Dec 6, 2009. #1. the blade or the tip and blade of the tongue articulates with the alveolar ridge and there is at the same time a raising of the front of the tongue towards the hard palate.- alguien me puede decir lo que blade significa? gracias =) A.

  8. 15 juin 2013 · Jun 15, 2013. #4. Yes. This is an impeller . The idea is that the liquid (in this case) is caught by the vanes and forced on its journey with added energy. This is a turbine rotor. Note how the impeller has a back-plate, whereas the turbine rotor has none. In matter concerning pumps and turbines, an impeller drives/pushes/moves a liquid and, in ...

  9. 28 févr. 2011 · Hi everybody! I'm trying to translate to Italian a text of Virginia Woolf. "How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a BLADE OF STRAW so feverishly, and then leave it..." What could be the right translation for "blade of straw?" "lama di...

  10. 25 juin 1982 · 人性、记忆、命运:重温《银翼杀手》. 最近系统的看经典科幻片,终于从20年代看到了80年代。. 这个周末看的是《银翼杀手》 (Blade runner)。. 无论哪个机构的排名,《银翼杀手》总是在最佳科幻片中排前两名。. 唯一能跟其竞争榜首的,只有库布里克的《2001 ...

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