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  1. University. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia, founded in 1919.Today, it is attended by around 40,000 students and employs more than 6,000 teachers, researchers, assistants, and professional and administrative staff at 23 faculties and three art academies.

  2. University. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest higher education and scientific research institution in Slovenia, founded in 1919.Today, it is attended by around 40,000 students and employs more than 6,000 teachers, researchers, assistants, and professional and administrative staff at 23 faculties and three art academies.

  3. リュブリャナ大学 (リュブリャナだいがく、 スロベニア語: Univerza v Ljubljani, 英語: University of Ljubljana )は、 スロベニア で最初に設立され、そしてスロベニアで一番大きい 大学 である。. 約56,000の学生が在籍し、これは世界で最も大きい大学のひとつである ...

  4. The University of Ljubljana ( Slovene: Univerza v Ljubljani [uniʋɛ́ːɾza w ljubljàːni], acronym: UL, Latin: Universitas Labacensis) is the oldest and largest university in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. It has about 40.000 students.

  5. De Universiteit van Ljubljana ( Sloveens: Univerza v Ljubljani; Latijn: Universitas Labacensis) in Ljubljana is de oudste en meest gerenommeerde universiteit van Slovenië. Met ruim 63.000 studenten, 22 faculteiten, 3 kunstacademies onder één universiteitsbestuur is het een van de grotere universiteiten in Europa.

  6. Universitatea din Ljubljana realizează cercetări în domeniul științelor și artelor, mai ales în științe umaniste, științe sociale, lingvistică, arte, medicină, științe naturale și tehnologie . Universitatea din Ljubljana a găzduit în perioada 2004-2013 sediul permanent al Asociației Internaționale a Studenților în ...

  7. Univerza v Ljubljani (latinsko Universitas Labacensis) je najstarejša in s 40.000 študenti (v študijskem letu 2016/17) največja univerza v Sloveniji. Sedež - Rektorat univerze se nahaja v ožjem središču Ljubljane, v stavbi Kranjskega deželnega dvorca na Kongresnem trgu, fakultete pa se nahajajo v različnih delih Ljubljane in ena od njih, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, v Portorožu.