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  1. It sounds impossible. Unthinkable. A world free from extreme poverty. A world in which no child is born to die, no child goes to bed hungry, every child lives a life free from violence and abuse and has quality health care, nutrition and learns in school. This has long been ...

  2. Lucid: A Memoir of an Extreme Decade in an Extreme Generation. Lucid. : 'In Bath I lay in a field with headphones on, drunk, and staring at an empty blue sky that reflected nothing of the chaos in the world. Below the fields flashed the seaweed-green of a London train and I imagined my former life at the end of it but felt more like it had been ...

  3. Frequency comb lasers have led to great advances in fields such as precision spectroscopy, optical atomic clocks, and attosecond science. We transfer the remarkable precision of frequency combs to extreme ultraviolet (XUV) wavelengths by parametric amplification and high-harmonic generation (HHG) of two subsequent Ti:Sapphire comb laser pulses. As a result a pair of phase-locked extreme ...

  4. Les piliers d'une nouvelle génération de militants de droite et d'extrême droite. Aujourd'hui dispersés dans différents partis politiques, médias, associations, tous se connaissent et se côtoient, liés par une même obsession : celle de l'identité. Avec l'intime conviction Qu'un jour ils travailleront ensemble. Cet ouvrage retrace l'avènement progressif de leur galaxie à partir des ...

  5. Vous aurez peut-être du mal à le croire mais c’est un fait : la pauvreté extrême recule. En 1990, 43 % des habitants des pays en développement vivaient avec moins de 1, 25 dollar par jour. Actuellement, ce taux est passé sous la barre des 20 %. De deux choses l’une : soit nous en ...

  6. 2 avr. 2024 · Overview. Around 700 million people live on less than $2.15 per day, the extreme poverty line. Extreme poverty remains concentrated in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, fragile and conflict-affected areas, and rural areas. After decades of progress, the pace of global poverty reduction began to slow by 2015, in tandem with subdued economic growth.

  7. Internet of Things, Criptomonete & Raspberry Pi – Viviamo in un’epoca straordinaria, non solo la vita nostra vita quotidiana e le nostre interazioni sociali vengono rivoluzionate costantemente da nuovi paradigmi tecnologici, ma soprattutto l’informazione e l’educazione sono accessibili a tutti coloro desiderosi d ...