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  3. 24 mai 2017 · Découvrez en un clic toutes les offres d'emploi à Bergues (59067) sur Espace Emploi CCHF. Développez vos compétences et valorisez votre CV !

  4. CCHF - Communauté de Communes des Hauts de Flandre, Bergues. 6,284 likes · 337 talking about this · 176 were here. Entre la métropole lilloise et le bassin industriel du dunkerquois, aux frontières...

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    • The Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Virus in Animals and Ticks
    • Transmission
    • Signs and Symptoms
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Prevention and Control
    • Who Response

    The hosts of the CCHF virus include a wide range of wild and domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. Many birds are resistant to infection, but ostriches are susceptible and may show a high prevalence of infection in endemic areas, where they have been at the origin of human cases. For example, a former outbreak occurred at an ostrich aba...

    The CCHF virus is transmitted to people either by tick bites or through contact with infected animal blood or tissues during and immediately after slaughter. The majority of cases have occurred in people involved in the livestock industry, such as agricultural workers, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians. Human-to-human transmission can occur ...

    The length of the incubation period depends on the mode of acquisition of the virus. Following infection by a tick bite, the incubation period is usually one to three days, with a maximum of nine days. The incubation period following contact with infected blood or tissues is usually five to six days, with a documented maximum of 13 days. Onset of s...

    CCHF virus infection can be diagnosed by several different laboratory tests: 1. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ; 2. antigen detection; 3. serum neutralization; 4. reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay; and 5. virus isolation by cell culture. Patients with fatal disease, as well as in patients in the first few day...

    General supportive care with treatment of symptoms is the main approach to managing CCHF in people. The antiviral drug ribavirin has been used to treat CCHF infection with apparent benefit. Both oral and intravenous formulations seem to be effective.

    Controlling CCHF in animals and ticks

    Ticks of the genus Hyalomma are the principal vector of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever. Photo: Robert Swanepoel/NICD South Africa It is difficult to prevent or control CCHF infection in animals and ticks as the tick-animal-tick cycle usually goes unnoticed and the infection in domestic animals is usually not apparent. Furthermore, the tick vectors are numerous and widespread, so tick control with acaricides (chemicals intended to kill ticks) is only a realistic option for well-managed lives...

    Reducing the risk of infection in people

    Although an inactivated, mouse brain-derived vaccine against CCHF has been developed and used on a small scale in eastern Europe, there is currently no safe and effective vaccine widely available for human use. In the absence of a vaccine, the only way to reduce infection in people is by raising awareness of the risk factors and educating people about the measures they can take to reduce exposure to the virus. Public health advice should focus on several aspects. 1. Reducing the risk of tick-...

    Controlling infection in health-care settings

    Health-care workers caring for patients with suspected or confirmed CCHF, or handling specimens from them, should implement standard infection control precautions. These include basic hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, safe injection practices and safe burial practices. As a precautionary measure, health-care workers caring for patients immediately outside the CCHF outbreak area should also implement standard infection control precautions. Samples taken from people with suspe...

    WHO is working with partners to support CCHF surveillance, diagnostic capacity and outbreak response activities in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa. WHO also provides documentation to help disease investigation and control, and has created an aide–memoire on standard precautions in health care, which is intended to reduce the risk of transm...

  5. La communauté de communes des Hauts de Flandre (CCHF) est une communauté de communes française, située dans le département du Nord et la région Hauts-de-France, arrondissement de Dunkerque.

  6. Le tarif de taxe proportionnelle correspond à 5,00 % du coût HT de la nuitée (1), plafonné à 1,00 € + taxes additionnelles. Dans la calculette qui vous permet de déterminer le tarif de taxe proportionnelle, ce dernier est automatiquement majoré des éventuelles taxes additionnelles applicables.

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