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  1. The Superman shield, also known as the Superman logo or the Superman symbol, is the iconic emblem for the fictional DC Comics superhero Superman. As a representation of one of the first superheroes, it served as a template for character design decades after Superman's first appearance.

  2. 23 mars 2022 · Le logo Superman a été fréquemment mis à jour – parfois en raison de rebondissements, parfois en raison d’un changement d’artiste. Mais le concept est resté le même qu’il y a de nombreuses années: un bouclier et la première lettre d’un nom de super-héros.

  3. Le logo de Superman dévoile le caractère particulier du personnage principal ou le super-héro de la bande dessinée.

  4. 7 mai 2019 · S’il y a bien un super-héros dont tout le monde connaît le logo, c’est assurément Superman. Avec sa forme de diamant et son “S” rouge sur fond jaune, ce logo a traversé les décennies sans réellement prendre de rides.

  5. The iconic Superman logo has been a symbol of strength, power, and heroism for decades. Discover the history and meaning behind this iconic emblem.

  6. 13 août 2023 · It’s nothing short of an emblem of audacity, etched into the fabric of pop culture—the Superman logo. This iconic insignia has zigzagged its way from comic book pages to the robust fortress of global recognition. Think about it.

  7. Launched: April 18, 1938. On April 18, 1938, Superman made his debut in Action Comics #1 (cover dated June) with this logo on his chest. This logo was designed by Joe Shuster and it was shaped like a yellow heraldic crest or a police badge with a red "S" inside.