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  1. Find and Compare 1000's of Items Online. Compare 1000s of Items and Find the Best Deals on Old Town Canoe Today.

Résultats de recherche

  1. Le canoë Guide 147 est construit à partir des formes légendaires de Discovery 158 pour un programme de loisirs en eaux calmes : randonnée familiale, pêche, chasse... Son étrave droite le rend directeur et évite ainsi la dérive dans le vent. sa forme de coque avec échine lui procurer une tres grande stabilité en navigation. Fabrication ...

  2. 15 avr. 2011 · People have been asking about the exact colors used on their Old Town canoes for years and I have been advising them to pick a color that they like since no one will probably ever know what precise shade was originally used. The undated Old Town Canoe color chart shown below was described by the seller as circa 1920 which seems about ...

  3. Gamme de canoe traditionnel Old town en fabrication sandwich 3 couches.

  4. Amusement familial abordable! Pagaie canoe, rame ou moteur. Si vous préférez propulser votre embarcation à l'ancienne, pensez à l'un des modèles de canoë traditionnels tel que le Saranac.

  5. Old Town Canoe Design Gallery. These designs have been reproduced from Old Town Canoe Company catalogs and may not be used for any purpose without the express written permission of the WCHA, Old Town Canoe, or the image's owner. Thumbnails of the entire collection are available if you prefer to browse by image.

  6. Depuis plus de 30 ans, le canot Old Town Discovery 158 est l’un des canots les plus vendus de la compagnie. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un canoë robuste, le Discovery 158 est fait pour vous! Notre construction à trois couches est conçue pour prendre une raclée.

  7. I was looking for a canoe to use for this upcoming hunting season. I decided on the Old Town Guide 147. First of all because Old Town canoes are some of the best most practical canoes on the market. The canoe I chose came in the camoflauge color scheme which will be nice for blending it intothe woods if I ever decide to stash it and scout an ...