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  1. Chris Donahue is a US Army lieutenant general and the commanding general of XVIII Airborne Corps. He served in various staff and command positions, including Delta Force, 82nd Airborne Division, and NATO Special Operations Command in Afghanistan.

  2. 31 août 2021 · Sa photo fait le tour du monde : le général Christopher T. Donahue est le dernier militaire américain à être monté à bord de l’ultime vol qui a quitté Kaboul, lundi 30 août.

  3. Learn about the career and achievements of Lieutenant General Christopher T. Donahue, the current commanding general of XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Liberty. See his rank, date, duty assignments, and operations in Afghanistan, Germany, and Poland.

  4. LTG Chris Donahue is the 39th Commander of the XVIII Airborne Corps and Ft. Liberty, NC. He has led Soldiers in various Airborne, Ranger, Light and Mechanized units, and deployed 20 times in support of operations worldwide.

  5. 31 août 2021 · Le général Christopher Donahue a été le dernier soldat américain à quitter lundi le sol afghan. Diffusé par le Pentagone, le cliché du militaire quittant Kaboul sonne comme l’amère conclusion...

  6. 31 août 2021 · Learn about the career and leadership of Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, who commanded the 82nd Airborne Division and was the last American service member to leave Afghanistan in August 2021. See photos, videos and quotes of his deployment, evacuation and final message to his troops.

  7. 31 août 2021 · Le major général Chris Donahue, casque sur la tête et fusil à la main, s’apprête à embarquer à bord d’un C-17 de l’US Air force, lundi soir. La photo, floue et au ton vert caractéristique des...