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  1. Dictionnaire anglais-français. urge ( sb./sth.) verbe ( urged, urged) exhorter v. The chairman urged the committee to make a quick decision. Le président a exhorté le comité à prendre une décision rapide. presser qqn. v. The manager urged his employees to work faster. Le directeur a pressé ses employés de travailler plus vite.

  2. Traductions en contexte de "the urge" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : urge the government, urge the commission, urge the international community, urge the council, urge the parties

  3. urge [sth] upon [sb] vtr + prep. (impress importance of) bien faire comprendre [qch] à [qqn] loc v. The preacher urged the importance of helping the poor upon his congregation. Le pasteur a bien fait comprendre l'importance d'aider les pauvres à sa congrégation.

  4. to try to persuade or request earnestly (someone to do something) exhorter. He urged her to drive carefully. ‘Come with me,’ he urged. to try to convince a person of ( eg the importance of, or necessity for, some action) pousser (à) He urged (on them) the necessity for speed. urge. noun. a strong impulse or desire. forte envie (de)

  5. vt. [+caution, restraint] recommander avec insistance. → Scientists have urged caution in the interpreting of the report. (=try hard to persuade) [+person] to urge sb to do sth pousser qn à faire qch. → I urged him to take a year off to study drawing. → He had urged her to come to Ireland. urge on. vt pousser, presser.

  6. noun. forte envie f, désir m. I felt or I had a sudden urge to tell her j'avais tout à coup très envie de lui dire. the sexual urge les pulsions fpl sexuelles. [ɜ:dʒ] transitive verb Conjugaison. [person - incite] Conjugaison exhorter, Conjugaison presser. I urge you to reconsider je vous conseille vivement de reconsidérer votre position.

  7. Traduction de "urge" en français. Verbe. Nom. exhorter inviter encourager inciter engager presser pousser. insister. envie f besoin m désir m. pulsion f. Voir plus. We must therefore urge the Colombian authorities to protect these people. Nous devons donc exhorter les autorités colombiennes à protéger ces personnes.