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  1. 14 févr. 2020 · 13 февраля 2020 года в Ливадийском дворце-музее в Ялте открылась Международная научная конференция «Ялта–1945: уроки истории», посвящённая 75-летию Крымской (Ялтинской) конференции 1945 года.

  2. Krymskaya konferentsiya: Directed by Sergey Gerasimov, Ilya Kopalin. With Aleksei Antonov, Alan Brooke, Alexander Cadogan, Sarah Churchill.

    • (6)
    • Sergey Gerasimov, Ilya Kopalin
  3. Policies and ethics. Molotov’s lukewarm attitude towards Britain, a reflection of his pro-German sentiments, and the treaties with Germany, meant that despite the efforts of Sir Stafford Cripps, British ambassador to the USSR from May 1940, there was little change in Anglo-Soviet...

    • Derek Watson
    • 2005
  4. Krymskaya konferentsiya is a Documentary directed by Sergei Gerasimov, Ilya Kopalin. Year: 1945. Original title: Krymskaya konferentsiya. Synopsis: The Crimean (Yalta) conference of the leaders of the three powers - allies in the Anti-Hitler coalition was held from 4 to 11 February 1945 in the Livadia Palace near Yalta. The Crimean Conference ...

  5. Krymskaya konferentsiya rukovoditelei trekh soyuznykh derzhavSSSR, SShA i Velikobritanii (Mos-cow: Politizdat, 1979); and Berlinskaya (Potsdamskaya) konferentsiya rukovoditelei trekh soyuznykh derzhav—SSSR, SShA i Velikobritanii (Moscow: Politizdat, 1980). These volumes hereinafter will be

  6. The article studies one of the most important milestones in documentary and chronicle film during World War II-a documentary about the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the leaders of the three powers, allies in the Anti-Hitler coalition, held in

  7. 31 janv. 2011 · This article examines Soviet policy towards Greece, Iran and Turkey during the early Cold War. It argues that Stalin’s aims in relation to these countries were limited and secondary to more important goals in Europe. Equally, the postwar crises in Greece, Turkey, and Iran played a critical role in shaping differing Soviet and ...