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  1. Il y a 3 jours · comitatus [retinue] of part time peasant soldiers, but at a hierarchically structured chief’s retinue” (p. 68). It is unclear what Heather’s characterization of retinue members as “part time” is based upon. Neither Tacitus nor, to my knowledge, any alternative contemporary source makes explicit statements to that extent. Thompson ...

  2. Il y a 5 jours · IT has been already observed, that the Saxons, when they divided this realm into provinces, (called in their language shires, and in Latin, comitatus, i. e. counties,) framed the government of them from the antient constitution of the Romans, from whom it was derived to them by their German ancestors, in conformity to which, they ...

  3. Il y a 4 jours · domum » News » Narratio de 1,100-lb Hog: Record-Frange Hunt in Fayette Comitatus Cum 9-pedalis longi, 1,100 libra porco in Fayette Comitatu, Georgiae occiso, historia sensationalis facta est quae per orbem celeriter divulgata est. Invisitata amplitudo porci curam mediarum maioris exitus cepit, turbinem coverage creans fines transcendentes.

  4. Il y a 1 jour · The National Guard is a state-based military force that becomes part of the U.S. military's reserve components of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force when activated for federal missions. [1] It is a military reserve force composed of National Guard military members or units of each state and the territories of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto ...

  5. Il y a 2 jours · Military orders are the official documents that verify a servicemember’s past, current or future military service. In the United States Armed Forces, there are three classifications of orders: Title 10, Title 32 and State Active Duty (SAD). The type of order a service member operates under determines who’s in charge, who provides funding and what benefits they are entitled to receive.

  6. Il y a 5 jours · October–December 1470. Syllabus Entry. Foedera Text. HENRY VI. (Restored.) SUB HENRICO SEXTO, Potestate Regia READEPTA. Oct. 9. Writs to the several sheriffs for the election of coroners. Westm.

  7. Il y a 3 jours · Die Frage nach dem „Ende der Antike“ In der älteren Forschung wurde das Ende der Antike oft mit der Absetzung des Romulus Augustulus und dem faktischen Ende des Römischen Reiches im Westen 476 n. Chr. gleichgesetzt, so beispielsweise von Otto Seeck, der eine einflussreiche Darstellung der Spätantike verfasste (für einen deutlich späteren Zeitpunkt plädierten dagegen bereits früh ...

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