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  1. Il y a 5 jours · From Jihad as a “name” to Jihad as a “verb”; during Mughniyeh’s study at the university, he did not leave the military jihadist work but reconciled both paths. At the time he was urging students to act, he was, in an undeclared manner, completing chapters of his jihadist work outside the university. During 2012, some ...

  2. Il y a 5 jours · L’ex-djihadiste David Vallat a été retrouvé mort mi-octobre à Saint-Raphaël. Agé de 53 ans, il s’était engagé sur les terrains bosniaque et afghan, avant d’être arrêté et condamné en France. Sorti...

  3. Spécialiste de l’État islamique, cette journaliste turque, souvent menacée de mort par l’organisation terroriste, a enquêté sur les réseaux d’évasion des prisonnières djihadistes retenues en Syrie et envoyées vers plusieurs pays, d’Europe notamment. Son analyse, dans les colonnes du journal turcophone allemand “Arti Gerçek”. Arti Gerçek.

  4. › wiki › JahannamJahannam - Wikipedia

    Il y a 3 jours · In Islam, Jahannam is the place of punishment for unbelievers and evildoers in the afterlife, or hell. [1] This notion is an integral part of Islamic theology, [1] and has occupied an important place in the Muslim belief. [2] It is often called by the proper name Jahannam.

  5. Il y a 5 jours · Those indeed are the evildoers” [al-Nūr:4]. It is one of the major sins and indeed one of the seven mortal sins that the Messenger, peace be upon him, warned about in what has been narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra that he, peace be upon him, stated, “Stay clear of the seven mortal sins.”

  6. Il y a 3 jours · Tsahal déclare que des avions de chasse ont frappé des membres terroristes du Hamas et du Jihad islamique palestinien dans la zone humanitaire de Khan Younès.

  7. Il y a 3 jours · Jihad in Islam: Myths & Facts. The concept of Jihad in Islam is one of the topics that causes the most confusion and is surrounded by a loud cacophony aiming at equating Jihad with mass murder and random shooting sprees. All concept have roots in a group of beliefs that nourish the concept into full bloom.