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  1. 20 déc. 2019 · British English. Dec 20, 2019. #10. It is clear from that link that "he claimed political asylum" uses "claim" to mean "demand", and that the meaning relates only to something that "he" believes to be an entitlement or legal right. There's no implication that he has or will obtain asylum. R.

  2. 13 mars 2011 · Lunatic asylum is a very old term for a hospital for the mentally ill. Inmates means the people living in a place especially involuntarily - prison inmates for example. I can't think of any other acceptable use of inmates these days. Many sources say that Charlie Chaplin said it when the Actors took over the running of the studios.

  3. 11 mars 2021 · Brazilian Portuguese. Mar 11, 2021. #1. Hello everyone, The Wordreference English - Portuguese dictionary says ''mental hospital'' meaning ''psychiatric hospital'' is dated. And I think ''psychiatric hospital'' is a bit too direct and formal for every day colloquial language. After searching Google - USA, I found " mental health hospital '' in ...

  4. 1 nov. 2022 · block-booking n. (a) (see quot. 1925); (b) the booking of a block of reservations. 1925 Weekly Westm. 29 Aug. 444/3 Block-booking is the system whereby American producers refuse to let the English exhibitors have one important film unless they take also a ‘block’ of others, which they may never have seen.

  5. 23 août 2013 · A sting is a short sequence played by a drummer to punctuate a joke, especially an obvious one. [1] A sting is often used as accompaniment during cabaret- and circus-style shows. The sound of the sting is sometimes written ba dum tsh, ba-dum ching, and occasionally ba dum tis. An abbreviation used in chats is //* .

  6. 25 sept. 2017 · Source: Assault on Arkham (2014), animated superhero film. A Gotham Cop is returning Harley Quinn (a bit insane woman) back to Arkham Asylum (psychiatric hospital). Guard at the Asylum: I'm in the middle of lunch, now I gotta process this dizzy dame? Harley: Crazy, huh? What exactly does she...

  7. 25 sept. 2005 · Normally in the kind of language ascribed to crusty old colonels: "Dash it all, sir! I don't mind telling you that I don't like the cut of your jib. No, I don't like it one bit. And what's more, you're getting my dander up, you boundah! I ought to jolly well take you outside and give you a sound thrashing!"

  8. 25 juil. 2010 · Jul 25, 2010. #1. Good morning, I don't find in any dictionary what indexy means, as an adjective. Dr Seward is asked to let go free a madman from his asylum, but he isn't sure what to do: If that man had been an ordinary lunatic I would have taken my chance of trusting him; but he seems so mixed up with the Count in an indexy kind of way that ...

  9. 15 juil. 2009 · Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3a, Letter a), Item 4 of Act No. 325/1999 Coll., on Asylum and the Amendment to Act No. 283/1991 Coll., on the Police of the XXXXXXXX, as amended (the Asylum Act), as amended, you are entitled, in the detention centre for foreigners, to make a statement to the police concerning international protection.

  10. 8 févr. 2018 · These efforts had resulted in a certain progress. In particular, they had helped to provide access to the State procedure of establishing the refugee status and access to healthcare, education, employment, registration and social security benefits and accommodation. As at 3 December, over the past year more than 600 people had applied for ...

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