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  1. › wiki › TrotskyismTrotskyism - Wikipedia

    Il y a 1 jour · Trotskyism - Wikipedia ... Trotskyism

  2. Il y a 2 jours · De Joseph Losey (1971) Forcé de quitter l'URSS dès 1929, Leon Trotsky se réfugie au Mexique en 1940, dans une forteresse surveillée. Staline envoie alors un assassin, Franck Jackson, chargé d'éliminer son rival. Jackson se lie avec une jeune communiste, Gita, dans le but d''approcher sa cible.

  3. Il y a 1 jour · Rédigé en 1938, le Programme de transition est plus qu'un texte historique, il propose une méthode politique pour faire la révolution, articulant revendications et méthodes de lutte pour diriger les combats de la classe ouvrière dans le sens du renversement du capitalisme. Dans ce cycle en deux parties depuis l'Université d'été de RP, Paul Morao revient sur les origines et l ...

  4. Il y a 3 jours · Mikhail Kalinin and Leon Trotsky greet Red Army troops. In early 1918, Lenin and Leon Trotsky embarked on the rebuilding of the Russian armed forces. The new Red Army was established by the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) on 28 January, to replace the demobilized Imperial Russian Army.

  5. Il y a 5 jours · Leon Trotsky is a fascinating figure in history who played a pivotal role in the Russian Revolution and the early formation of the Soviet Union. Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in 1879, Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary, political theorist, and military strategist.

  6. Il y a 4 jours · In late September and October the Bolsheviks began to win majorities in the soviets: Leon Trotsky, a recent convert to Bolshevism, became chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, the country’s most important, and immediately turned it into a vehicle for the seizure of power.

  7. Il y a 5 jours · Menshevik, member of the non-Leninist wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party. The group split from the Leninists in 1903 when L. Martov rejected Lenin’s plan for a party restricted to professional revolutionaries and called for a mass party modelled after western European social democratic parties.

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