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  1. Il y a 5 jours · This warrior goddess was the Queen of the Amazons and the daughter of Ares, the god of War. The Amazons offered their fighting skills to Hector in the Trojan War. Penthesilea was killed by Achilles, but some say that Achilles fell in love with her at the moment of her death. Both Wonder Woman and Penthesilea are famed for their bravery, agility, and strength. The patriarchal retellings of ...

  2. Il y a 4 jours · Bellerophon battled Amazons, and Heracles, Theseus, and Achilles each proved their valour by defeating powerful Amazon queens—Hippolyte, Antiope, and Penthesilea. Amazons and Amazonomachies (battle scenes) were extremely popular in Greek art, in public spaces and on privately owned pottery. In the myths and artistic representations, Amazons were consistently portrayed as courageous, athletic ...

  3. Il y a 3 jours · These include figures associated with the Trojans and their descendants (the Romans): Electra (mother of Troy's founder Dardanus), Hector, Aeneas, Julius Caesar in his role as Roman general ("in his armor, falcon-eyed"), Camilla, Penthesilea (Queen of the Amazons), King Latinus and his daughter, Lavinia, Lucius Junius Brutus (who overthrew Tarquin to found the Roman Republic), Lucretia, Julia ...

  4. Il y a 6 jours · Exekias, Achilles killing Penthesilea, ca. 540-530 BCE (Archaic Period) o Description, subject, & stylistic features: Achilles fully armed battling Penthesliea, queen of the Amazons. Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game (detail of an Athenian black-figure amphora), from Vulci, Italy, ca. 540-530 BCE (Archaic Period)

  5. Il y a 1 jour · Her Amazons fought the Greeks, blow for blow, their skirling war cry striking fear in the bravest of hearts. Nor could any man withstand Penthesilea, warrior queen, except Achilles, noblest of Troy’s enemies, whose javelin pierced her heart. Here green robed Achilles gazes down at her, and moved by her beauty, grieves over his victory. The ...

  6. (Amazon series #1) Otrera: Queen Mother Otrera (Ow-tee-reh-ra) is the queen mother of the race of Amazons. In some versions she is the initial offspring of the union between Ares and the nymph Harmonia, while in others she is the consort of Ares from which the Amazons are born; with such notable daughter heroines being Hippolyta, Antiope, and Penthesilea, among others.

  7. Heinrich von Kleists 1808 erschienenes Trauerspiel Penthesilea bearbeitet einen Stoff aus der griechischen Mythologie: das tödliche Zusammentreffen zwischen dem Griechenhelden Achilles und der Amazonenkönigin Penthesilea auf dem Schlachtfeld vor Troja.