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  1. Il y a 5 jours · Although the United States and most members of the European Union (EU) recognized Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008, Serbia, Russia, and a significant number of other countries—including several EU members—did not.

  2. Il y a 5 jours · Kosovo in Yugoslavia. Serbia, which had won independence from the Ottoman Empire early in the 19th century, regained control of Kosovo in 1912, following the First Balkan War, but lost it again in 1915, during World War I.

  3. Il y a 3 jours · Over the past 25 years, as NATO helped liberate Kosovo and maintained the peace, we in return built democracy to foster this peace from within. We declared our independence in 2008, an idea...

  4. Donjeta Sadiku and Vesa Goci, who do not know each other personally, share a unique bond: both belong to a generation born amidst the flames and ruins of the 1999 war. Their 25th birthday coincides with the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, a testament to their resilience and strength. On 12 June 1999, a significant date in the ...

  5. Il y a 4 jours · Déclaration d'indépendance. Le 19 mai 1991, les autorités croates organisent un référendum sur l'indépendance avec l'option de rester au sein d'une Yougoslavie avec une plus large autonomie [115], [116].

  6. Il y a 4 jours · Prizren est la deuxième plus grande ville du Kosovo, qui a proclamé son indépendance vis-à-vis de la Serbie le 17 février 2008. Elle possède un riche patrimoine avec de nombreux monuments ...

  7. Il y a 4 jours · 1991: Tenue de deux référendums proclamant l´indépendance du Kosovo dans l´indifférence de la communauté internationale. 1997: Création de l´armée de libération du Kosovo (UCK)