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  2. › articles › placeHarran - Livius

    After Alexander's death in 323, Harran was part of the empire of the Seleucids, the Macedonian dynasty ruling in Asia. They settled Macedonian veterans at Harran, which remained a recognizable entity after the Seleucid empire had been replaced by that of the Parthians. In 53 BCE, the Roman general Crassus invaded Parthia.

  3. Ce blog est consacré aux phénomènes inexpliqués par les sciences, qui sont, selon l’interprétation proposée par Daniel Harran dans ses ouvrages, des Manifestations Inter-Dimensionnelles (des MIDim). Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir une notification par email à la mise en ligne des nouveaux articles !

  4. › es › HarránHarrán - Wikiwand

    Harrán,en arameo: ܚܪܢ Jarán, Haran o Carras es un yacimiento arqueológico localizado al sudeste de la actual Turquía, en el cruce de Damasco, Karkemish y Nínive. La situación de esta antigua ciudad ha sido estratégica a lo largo de la historia. Las inscripciones asirias desde el reinado de Tiglath-Pileser I mencionan este lugar hacia el 1100 a. C. con el nombre de Harrānu, que ...

  5. Harran (biblical place) The ruins of the city of Harran, called Haran ( Hebrew: חָרָן, Ḥārān) in the Hebrew Bible, might lie within present-day Turkey. Haran first appears in the Book of Genesis as the home of Terah and his descendants, and as Abraham 's temporary home. Later biblical passages list Haran among some cities and lands ...

  6. › wiki › HarranHarran - Vikipedi

    Harran, Şanlıurfa ilinin bir ilçesidir. Suriye sınırına yakın olan bir ilçedir. Şanlıurfa'ya 44 kilometre uzaktadır. Şanlıurfa'daki Harran Üniversitesi de adını bu ilçeden almıştır. Kuzey Mezopotamya'nın kadim yerleşim yerlerindendir. İlçe halkının tamamına yakınını Arap kökenli Türk vatandaşları oluşturur. [4]