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  1. 1 Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall, 4 vol, (New York : Viking press, 1963-1987).Le volume 4, George C. Marshall : Stateman, couvre la période du plan Marshall.. Voir aussi Forrest C. Pogue, « George C. Marshall and the Marshall Plan », dans l’ouvrage de Charles S. Maier en collaboration avec Gunter Bischof, The Marshall Plan and Germany (New York and Oxford : Berg Publishers Limited ...

  2. Marshall war der Sohn des Geschäftsmannes George Catlett Marshall.. Er heiratete 1902 Elizabeth (Lily) Carter Coles (1875–1927).Sie hatten keine Kinder. In zweiter Ehe war er ab 1930 mit Katherine Boyce Tupper (1882–1978) verheiratet, die aus ihrer ersten Ehe drei Kinder mitbrachte.

  3. George C. Marshall’s contributions to our nation and the world cannot be overstated. He was the organizer of victory and the architect of peace during and following World War II. He won the war, and he won the peace. His characteristics of honesty, integrity, and selfless service stand as shining examples for those who study the past and for those generations who will learn about him in the ...

  4. George C. Marshall dies at age 78 and is mourned worldwide before being buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 1989. The George C. Marshall Home Preservation Fund, established by local citizens, preserves General and Mrs. Marshall’s home from destruction. This paves the way for the creation of the George C. Marshall International Center to ...

  5. George C. Marshall’s speeches in support of Marshall Plan authorization and funding: 19 December 1947 to the nation via radio and television on the results of London Foreign Ministers’ Conference: Soviet obstruction re Germany, need to get German issues settled in order for West Europe to recover from the war

  6. George Marshall - Général et homme politique américain. Découvrez la biographie de George Marshall, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations de George Marshall, des livres, des photos et vidéos.

  7. George Catlett Marshall, Jr. né le 31 décembre 1880 à Uniontown et mort le 16 octobre 1959 à Washington, est un General of the Army américain au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et fut l'un des principaux conseillers et stratèges du président Roosevelt pour la conduite du conflit.