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  1. アンデルセンは、1枚の木版画から着想を得てこの作品を書いた。1845年11月、彼のもとに編集者から手紙と3枚の絵が届く。

  2. 13 mars 2015 · 2. When the Little Match Girl lights a match, she feels lovely feelings, and sees the warmth, food and happiness that people are experiencing inside the houses. But when the match goes out, the walls are solid. Why do you think she can see through walls when the match is lit? Empathy. 3. If you saw the Little Match Girl on a snowy street, what ...

  3. The Little Match Girl, the original story written by Hans Christian Andersen. A story for children about a poor girl who spends her days selling matches in the bitter winter, fighting for her life. Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quit ...

  4. 《卖火柴的小女孩》 (英語:The Little Match Girl)(丹麥語:Den Lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne),或譯為《賣火柴的小姑娘》、《賣火柴的少女》,是丹麦著名童话作家汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生 Hans Christian Andersen所寫的一篇著名童话故事,发表于1845年12月。

  5. "The Little Match Girl" is a tale about a poor little girl trying to sell matches so as to make a living. She is doing so on a freezing winter night. She is without a sweater or a jacket or a woolen coat to keep herself warm. Not a single person feels sorry for her and buys any of her matches. Some people even shoo her away. We human beings can ...

  6. The little girl strikes another match, and when the flame hits the wall of the building, the wall becomes “transparent as a veil” and the girl can “see right into the house.” Inside, there is a table set with “finest porcelain” featuring a roast goose that leaps up from its dish and waddles towards the girl. When the girl reaches towards the goose, however, her match goes out and ...

  7. 2 janv. 2023 · The Little Match Girl: A Commentary. The short story “The Little Match Girl” is all about the poverty, hunger and helplessness of a little girl who is sent to sell matches when she is supposed to stay at home or at school. When all the world seems to be celebrating the New Year’s Eve, the girl is deprived of the joy.

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