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  1. L'architecture néo-classique est l'héritière de l'architecture classique, théorisée par l'architecte antique Vitruve dans son traité qui définit la théorie des trois ordres (dorique, ionique, et corinthien), qui peuvent se superposer.

  2. Neoclassical architecture, sometimes referred to as Classical Revival architecture, is an architectural style produced by the Neoclassical movement that began in the mid-18th century in Italy, France and Germany. It became one of the most prominent architectural styles in the Western world.

  3. Neoclassicism, also spelled Neo-classicism, emerged as a Western cultural movement in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that drew inspiration from the art and culture of classical antiquity.

  4. Napoléon Ier impose le néo-classicisme sévère du style Empire en prenant comme modèle l'Empire romain. En architecture et en décoration, plusieurs styles découlent du néo-classicisme, dont les principaux sont le style Adam, le style Directoire, le style Empire, le style fédéral et le biedermeier .

  5. Neoclassicism is a movement in architecture, design and the arts which emerged in France in the 1740s and became dominant in France between about 1760 to 1830. It emerged as a reaction to the frivolity and excessive ornament of the baroque and rococo styles. In architecture it featured sobriety, straight lines, and forms, such as the pediment ...

  6. 3 mai 2024 · Neoclassical architecture, revival of Classical architecture during the 18th and early 19th centuries. It is characterized by grandeur of scale, simplicity of geometric forms, Greek—especially Doric—or Roman detail, dramatic use of columns, and a preference for blank walls.