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  1. pet塑料作为一种常见的塑料材料,具有良好的透明度、耐热性、机械性能和化学稳定性等优点,适用于制造透明包装材料和耐用产品。然而,它也存在易受划伤、不耐高温和不耐腐蚀等缺点,需要在使用时加以注意。综合考虑其优缺点,pet塑料在许多领域仍然是一种常用的塑料材料。

  2. Forum PET in the IK (Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V. – German Association for Plastics Packagings and Films) campaigns for the ecological improvement of PET bottles and the cycle management of the raw material PET by high-quality recycling in Germany and Europe. Members of Forum PET come from all sections of the value ...

  3. Advantages and disadvantages of recycling. PET deposit bottles are easy to recycle and are also suitable for contact with food. Above all, however, PET stands out because its recyclability helps to conserve resources. In addition, recycled PET is more cost-efficient than new – although this difference is dwindling compared to previous years.

  4. 另外,pet材料也比pp材料更透明,在制作透明或半透明的产品时,pet材料更有优势。但是,pp材料也有它的优点。它比pet材料更柔软、更轻便,而且更容易加工和成型。如果需要制作柔软、轻便的产品,比如袋子、衣物等,pp材料可能更合适。 pet材料有什么特点?

  5. › en › about-usAbout us - Forum PET

    Forum PET is the platform for the German PET industry. The two core objectives of the association are to provide information and to promote the circular economy of PET. Forum PET is backed by PET producers, manufacturers of PET preforms and bottles, beverage producers, recyclers and machine builders for the food, beverage and packaging industries.

  6. Der Kunststoff Polyethylenterephthalat oder kurz PET feierte 2021 seinen 80. Geburtstag. Ursprünglich als Alternative zur Herstellung von Textilfasern entwickelt, ist das Material heute eines der wichtigsten in der Verpackungs- und Textilindustrie. Weltweite Bekanntheit erlangte PET durch den Einsatz bei der Produktion von Getränkeflaschen.

  7. 01 KET到底是啥?. 首先,剑桥通用英语考级 MSE 共包含五个等级,依次为: KET, PET, FCE, CAE 和CPE。. 其主要目的是全面测试考生的听、说、读、写四个方面的英语能力水平。. (图片来自官网). KET(全称“Key English Test”)是由剑桥大学外语考试部开发的“剑桥 ...

  8. PET in industry. When you hear PET, the first thing that comes to mind is drinks bottles. And this association is no coincidence – around 66 per cent of all products produced from PET in Europe are beverage bottles.¹ Yet PET can do a lot more: the valuable raw material is also very important for industry. A good example is strapping for ...

  9. pet-ct检查首先利用pet技术,通过注射放射性核素标记的显像剂,如18f-fdg(氟代脱氧葡萄糖),来观察人体内部的生物代谢活动。这些显像剂会在肿瘤等病变组织中聚集,由于病变组织的细胞代谢活跃,葡萄糖摄取量相应增加,因此pet技术能够检测到这些异常聚集的区域,并以高亮图像形式呈现出来。

  10. Yes, PET has good barrier properties. Food packaging made from PET is light, practical, unbreakable and recyclable. Furthermore, it has good barrier properties against undesirable substances. For example PET has proven itself to be a good barrier against mineral oils from packaging made of waste paper. (Final report on scientific study of BMELV ...

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