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Industries. Industry statistics are about trends in different industries. Industries include New Zealand businesses that: provide related services to these producers. Industries are grouped by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). Examples of industries are agriculture, forestry, and fishing; construction ...
29 May 2023, 12:00pm. Ariā Coding Service is an interactive tool that allows users to use keywords to find codes and categories from standard classifications. These codes are the building blocks for datasets produced by Stats NZ. Use Ariā Coding Service. This tool allows you to code to standard classifications in several ways:
19 nov. 2020 · Broad industry group. The bar graph shows the lower-level breakdown of each broad industry, as outlined above. Select a broad industry from the drop-down menu. The bar graph show the industries within the broad industry group, ranked from largest to smallest based on contribution to value-added. Select a year on the slider (1972 to 2020).
Productivity statistics: 1978–2023. 16 April 2024, 10:45am. Productivity is a measure of how efficiently capital and labour are used within the economy to produce outputs of goods and services. A higher productivity rate means a nation can either produce a higher level of goods and services with the same level of inputs or produce the same ...
Sector的是一组industry,因此sector更接近产业或版块的概念,industry接近行业的概念。. 【这个回答最权威】根据. 1、大多数情况下在避免重复时做替代性使用。. 例句: Whenever an investor approaches a new industry, it is good to know what the risks are that a company in that sector must face ...
Regional GDP industries. A total of 18 main industries are displayed in the bar graph, excluding some sub-industries. Manufacturing is presented as an aggregate industry. However, a split between primary and other manufacturing is provided except for Northland and Southland, where confidentiality issues arise.
28 oct. 2021 · The construction industry continued its upward trend of the past decade with 5.6 percent more employees and 4.7 percent more enterprises from February 2020. Accommodation and food services had 160,000 employees, a 6.7 percent drop from February 2020, while enterprises dropped 0.2 percent, the first decrease in the number of employees and enterprises over the past 10 years.
The construction industry had 80,610 enterprises, an increase of 4.2 percent from February 2022. This industry was the highest contributor to the annual rise in the overall enterprise count. The health care and social assistance industry continued to be the largest employer, with 280,100 employees at February 2023.
Business employment data (BED) includes detailed quarterly measures of filled jobs and gross earnings by industry, sex, age, region, and territorial authority area. Household labour force survey (HLFS) statistics include detailed descriptions of people by categories like employment, unemployment, underutilisation, and outside the labour force.
Emissions from the electricity, gas, water, and waste services industry were up 3.4 percent, or 227 kt, in the year ended March 2024. The agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry had the biggest annual decrease of 839 kt or 1.9 percent, largely due to decreases from agriculture. The annual emissions from this industry are down 6.0 percent or ...