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If you have any general comments, questions or concerns about the forums, first search this forum to see if it has been asked before. If you don't find an answer, ask for it here. Threads. 4.7K. Messages. 43.4K. Courtesy forms between forum users. Yesterday at 4:04 PM. velisarius.
5 févr. 2009 · I have the impression that "necessary" wants a "to" rather than a "for" when we talk about conditions. However, this may be just because "it is a necessary condition to" is often correct. ...what cognitive capacities are necessary to / for the emergence of social interaction... Thanks a lot to anyone so gentle to answer.
14 janv. 2021 · Jan 14, 2021. #1. Context: Creator is not alone. Other robot chefs have already been working, preparing entire meals, or soon will be, in kitchens in other parts of the world. In spite of that, this new wave of automation could signal a dramatic shift in the way the fast food industry employs people. That does not necessarily mean employing ...
emergence(出现)是从emerge (v.)派生的,emergency(紧急情况)是从emergent(adj.)的另一个词义(紧急的)派生的。. emergent还有出现的、新兴的意思。. 而emergency还派生出形容词的意思,紧急的、应急的。. innocence在使用频率上高很多,跟innocency是同义词。. 根据 ...
你会感觉到”天下无本“的原因是《变身》这样的本子少有,会让人瞬间觉得其他本子没有这种脱颖而出的亮点。. 如果你看本子的目的是为了爽,那我觉得”天下无本“这样的感触过段时间就不太会有了。. 《变身》的作者迫不及待地把各种老套又极端残酷的 ...
1 mars 2013 · I usually say that Hong Kong is UTC/GMT plus 8 (despite the emergence of UTC, most everyone uses GMT in speech and in printed material). I know the US has names for their time zones and I always find them annoying. If someone in Denver tells me they're in the "Mountain Time Zone," that tells me nothing in relation to other times zones around ...
16 juil. 2019 · 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...
31 janv. 2012 · Jan 31, 2012. #10. ThirdWorldClown said: I'm convinced about/on/of the importance of the formation in social values. To answer your original question, I would say you need either "I'm convinced of the importance of ..." or, less probably, "I'm convinced about the importance of ..." ("Formation" is a false friend, I'm afraid: you need either ...
14 févr. 2018 · Their article on the noun "twist" says the meaning "unexpected plot development" was first used in 1941. But that "twist" can be used with "story, plot, novel, tale" or any other words meaning a story. It is not clear who first noticed that "tale" and "tail" sound the same, and are both things that may have a "twist" in them.