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  1. 22 déc. 2011 · 然后Christian又分很多分派,最主要的三大分派为:天主教(Catholic)、新教(Protestant或Evangelic)、东正教(Orthodox)。 可能由于新教在中国与新加坡最为普遍,所以普遍把新教叫做“基督教”。 甚至我会听见一些澳大利亚的华侨用英语说“I'm not Christian, I'm Catholic”

  2. 20 avr. 2012 · Natty 21 said: Ciao Ciao is the best. I am Valérie, Christian's friend. Then, Toodle-oo! I love it! "A plus" is too cold for me. Thank you all for those answers. Too-da-loo is from "A tout a l'heure" , a French expression meaning "later". It is pronounced: Ah TOO ta lure, so the English mash up is too-da-loo.

  3. 1 déc. 2010 · I would say, as a humanist and a historian of sorts, that the more "protestant" the denomination of the Christian church , the less likely it is to refer to itself as 'she', but I might be completely wrong. I would be extremely surprised to find that what we in the UK call 'non-conformist' or 'dis-' or 'non'-'established' churches refer to ...

  4. 4 juin 2009 · Une autre question: J'ai entendu ça existe: ex: on est mardi (2 Feb) aujourd'hui. on se verra samedi prochain. (Ça veut dire on se verra ce samedi (6 Feb) ou on se verra 13 Feb?) quelle est correcte?:confused: Merci Note des modérateurs : Plusieurs fils ont été fusionnés pour créer celui-ci.

  5. 16 sept. 2006 · However, things are completely different in China. Our first name(姓xing4) is your last name and our last name(名ming2, not Christian name, of course) is your first name. A little bit confusing, isn't it? Another big difference, Chinese is made up of characters instead of letters. There're many two-character names, like mine, and it would be ...

  6. 30 août 2006 · AndyRoo said: No, it's written الحمد لله [praise be to God]. You're both missing the point. Of course, it is absolutely correct to say "al-Hamdu lillaah 'ala-s-salaama" (الحمد لله على السلامة). However it is also correct (in colloquial as well as in MSA) to say "al-Hamdillah 'ala-s-salaama" (الحمدالله على ...

  7. 22 nov. 2013 · Nov 22, 2013. #2. Joh n Fitzgerald Kennedy - 1 surname. Thomas Woodrow Wilson - 1 surname. Norma Jean Mortenson- 2 first names. Barack Hussein Obama- 2 first names. In all four cases, we call the first name a first name * or given name. We call the second the middle name (whether or not it was originally a surname).

  8. 19 avr. 2010 · In Christian Latin, it doesn't necessarily mean "soul" in the theological sense; that tends to be reserved for anima. I see the meaning more as in the sense of "spirits" in the plural (notwithstanding the Latin singular). So the figurative translation could be something like "One's flagging spirits are revived by the sight of nature's splendour".

  9. 2 août 2009 · Aug 2, 2009. #3. Hello, I'm not a native English speaker, but let me post what I thought about this. a) the counter will be open from 9am to 5pm. b) the counter will be opened from 9am to 5pm. The 'open' in a) is an adjective and it tells us the situation or the state of the counter. The 'opened' in b) is an past participle and it tells us the ...

  10. 7 févr. 2021 · English (Midlands UK) Feb 7, 2021. #4. In the original question, without the word "each", there is no ambiguity. It is stated that there are seven wives and each of them has seven children (whoever she's married to, Christian or Muslim or Mormon or none) which gives 7 wives and 49 children (oh, plus seven incidental men) making 63 people. But ...

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