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  1. Il y a 1 jour · Avant que Theodor Herzl ne soit le Moïse moderne, il était un élève de deuxième année qui rapportait à la maison un bulletin de notes de son école de Pest. « Les mamans gardent les choses », a déclaré Warren Klein, le conservateur de la nouvelle exposition, Tout sur Herzl actuellement en exposition au Musée Bernard.

  2. 23 août 2024 · Learn about Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, who proposed a Jewish state as a solution to anti-Semitism. Explore his life, works, and legacy in this comprehensive article by David Ben-Gurion.

  3. Il y a 1 jour · Before Theodor Herzl was a modern Moses, he was a second grade student who brought home a report card from his school in Pest. “Moms keep things,” said Warren Klein, the curator of the new ...

  4. › wiki › ZionismZionism - Wikipedia

    Il y a 9 heures · Nonetheless, Theodor Herzl travelled to Rome in late January 1904, after the sixth Zionist Congress (August 1903) and six months before his death, looking for support. On January 22, Herzl first met the Papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val. According to Herzl's private diary notes, the Cardinal's interpretation of the history ...

  5. 5 sept. 2024 · If you were visiting Jerusalem in the late 19th century, and were a person of means and stature, you might have enjoyed the accommodations of the city's first modern Jewish hotel. Unless of course, your name was Theodor Herzl... We dug through the hotel's guest book and went on a journey back in time.

  6. 9 sept. 2024 · Un jeune journaliste hongrois dorigine juive, Theodor Herzl, correspondant de presse à Paris, a suivi de près l’affaire. Il est révolté par l’ampleur des campagnes anti-juives qu’il constate.

  7. 5 sept. 2024 · The seminal book was published in the context of rising antisemitism in Europe, culminating in the Dreyfus Affair in 1894. Herzl encouraged Jews to purchase land in the historic Land of Israel, then Palestine, and called for the creation of a Jewish state with international acceptance.