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  1. › wiki › SwitzerlandSwitzerland - Wikipedia

    Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in west-central Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

  2. › wiki › SuisseSuisse — Wikipédia

    La Suisse comporte quatre régions culturelles et linguistiques et quatre langues nationales : l' allemand, le français, l' italien et le romanche, cette dernière n'étant que partiellement officielle 10, 15.

  3. Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a landlocked country located in west-central Europe. It is bordered by Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east.

  4. › wiki › ZurichZurich — Wikipédia

    Située au bord du lac de Zurich ( Zürichsee ), le quatrième lac de Suisse en superficie, Zurich est un lieu de villégiature apprécié par la bourgeoisie suisse, allemande et autrichienne, notamment en raison de la beauté de sa vue et de son centre historique.

  5. The early history of the region is tied to that of Alpine culture. Switzerland was inhabited by the Helvetii, and it came under Roman rule in the 1st century BC. The Gallo-Roman culture was amalgamated with Germanic influence during Late Antiquity, with the eastern part of Switzerland becoming Alemannic territory.

  6. En 2020, 85 914 naissances vivantes ont eu lieu en Suisse. L'âge moyen des mères mariées à la naissance de leur premier enfant est de 31,1 ans, l'âge moyen à la maternité étant de 32,2 ans. 27,7 % des naissances vient de couples hors mariage 21.

  7. The geography of Switzerland features a mountainous and landlocked country located in Western and Central Europe. Switzerland's natural landscape is marked by its numerous lakes and mountains.