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  1. The Collection interface and ArrayCollection class, like everything else in the Doctrine namespace, are neither part of the ORM, nor the DBAL, it is a plain PHP class that has no outside dependencies apart from dependencies on PHP itself (and the SPL). Therefore using this class in your model and elsewhere does not introduce a coupling to the ORM.

  2. Types. Besides abstraction of SQL one needs a translation between database and PHP data-types to implement database independent applications. Doctrine DBAL has a type translation system baked in that supports the conversion from and to PHP values from any database platform, as well as platform independent SQL generation for any Doctrine Type.

  3. This guide covers getting started with the Doctrine ORM. After working through the guide you should know: How to install and configure Doctrine by connecting it to a database. Mapping PHP objects to database tables. Generating a database schema from PHP objects. Using the EntityManager to insert, update, delete and find objects in the database.

  4. This guide covers getting started with the Doctrine ORM. After working through the guide you should know: How to install and configure Doctrine by connecting it to a database. Mapping PHP objects to database tables. Generating a database schema from PHP objects. Using the EntityManager to insert, update, delete and find objects in the database.

  5. PHP Doctrine Collections library that adds additional functionality on top of PHP arrays. Doctrine. Projects Coding Standard Collections Common Data fixtures DBAL Event Manager Inflector Instantiator Lexer Migrations MongoDB ODM ORM Persistence PHPCR ODM ...

  6. Doctrine ORM is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP 7.1+ that provides transparent persistence for PHP objects. It uses the Data Mapper pattern at the heart, aiming for a complete separation of your domain/business logic from the persistence in a relational database management system. The benefit of Doctrine for the programmer is the ...

  7. 5 janv. 2019 · Mais pour la plupart des applications, Doctrine peut grandement faire l’affaire. En plus, il est tout a fait possible de faire cohabiter Doctrine avec des requêtes SQL natives. Nous allons donc voir les optimisations possibles pour qu’une application PHP utilisant Doctrine soit la plus performante possible.