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  1. Introduction to Plugins. This section provides an overview of Insomnia’s plugins, which can be used to extend the functionality of Insomnia. Plugins are commonly used when more advanced behavior is needed, like custom authentication mechanisms and complex workflows.

  2. Inso CLI (Command Line Interface) for Insomnia is built on Node.js and the Insomnia core libraries. It allows you to use Insomnia application functionality in your terminal and CI/CD environments for automation. Inso CLI is open source on GitHub. Note: At this time, Inso CLI only works with Design Documents, and not Request Collections.

  3. To run Insomnia specs in kong/inso container, mount the specs folder on your host machine to a /var/temp folder in the container. See the following sections for some examples. Examples Mount git sync repo. Mount an Insomnia git sync repository folder to a folder in the container:

  4. › insomnia › insomnia-syncCloud Sync | Insomnia Docs

    Cloud Sync. Cloud sync provides the following abilities on top of the base Insomnia functionality: Commit and push the contents of projects. Revert to a previous commit. Share commits across devices or with members of your organization. Create and work on separate branches.

  5. 14 févr. 2020 · Testen und Debuggen von REST APIs mit Insomnia. Viele Wege führen ja bekanntlich nach Rom – und ebenso gibt es viele Wege und Möglichkeiten für das Debuggen und Testen von REST APIs. Meine ersten Gehversuche in diesem Bereich habe ich zur damaligen Zeit mit cURL gemacht. Wenn man „einfach mal schnell“ einen Request senden möchte, ist ...

  6. The pre-request script feature allows users to execute tasks before a request is sent. This applies for example to cases where you might need: Manipulate environment variables, authentication, …. Manipulate the contents a given request. Send other requests before that will provide data you need to run a given request.

  7. Import data from a file, URL, or Clipboard. From the Document or Collection name dropdown menu, select Import/Export. Select an option from the Import Data dropdown menu. Alternatively, in Preferences and under the Data tab, select an option from the Import Data dropdown menu. Also, you can paste copied cURL command straight to URL bar.