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Résultats de recherche

  1. Le Bachelor de l’EDHEC Business School est un Bachelor en 4 ans. À l'issue de ces 4 ans, les étudiants de l’EDHEC International BBA obtiennent un Bachelor in Business Administration visé et reconnu par l’Etat. Ils peuvent ensuite intégrer le monde du travail ou choisir de poursuivre leurs études en Master dans les meilleures universités en France et à l’étranger

  2. EDHEC’s MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance prepares you to join an elite group of financial professionals equipped with the skills, knowledge and passion to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the financial decision-making process. This cutting-edge dual degree programme combines financial expertise ...

  3. The EDHEC-French Embassy Co-Financed Scholarship in India is a joint initiative of EDHEC Business School and the Embassy of France in India. This scholarship is offered to two Indian students ( two 50% scholarships for MiM Programmes ) with excellent academic backgrounds and clear career objectives.

  4. Founded in 1906, EDHEC is now one of Europe’s top 15 business schools . Based in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, and counting over 90 nationalities on its campuses, EDHEC is a fully international school directly connected to the business world. With over 40,000 graduates in 120 countries, it trains committed managers capable of ...

  5. L'EDHEC favorise l'égalité des chances. Chaque année, un étudiant sur quatre bénéficie d'un de nos dispositifs financiers.Les étudiants éligibles aux bourses du CROUS sur critères sociaux peuvent obtenir une réduction sur les frais de scolarité allant de 20% à 75%.

  6. School must adapt to athletes, not the other way around. This is why our online bachelor's has been developed to offer the excellence of EDHEC Business School’s to athletes (and other students who need to study remotely). This remote programme offers the quality of EDHEC Business School's faculty as well as the mobility and flexibility ...

  7. 23 juin 2024 · Institutions partenaires. La filière Global Economic Transformation and Technology (GETT) de l’EDHEC Business School, ancrée dans l’esprit et les valeurs de cette Grande École, forme des étudiants capables de participer à la nouvelle économie en leur apportant un socle solide de compétences en management et une exposition aux grandes ...

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