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  1. The Berke–Hulagu war was fought between two Mongol leaders, Berke Khan of the Golden Horde and Hulagu Khan of the Ilkhanate. It was fought mostly in the Caucasus Mountains area in the 1260s after the destruction of Baghdad in 1258. The war overlaps with the Toluid Civil War in the Mongol Empire between two members of the Tolui family line ...

  2. The Arghun dynasty ruled over the area adjoining Southern Afghanistan and then the Sindh Sultanate from the late 15th century to the early 16th century. Arghun rule can be divided into two branches: the Arghun branch of Dhu'l-Nun Beg Arghun that ruled until 1554, and the Tarkhan branch of Muhammad Isa Tarkhan that ruled until 1593.

  3. Arghun Khan (en mongol: ᠠᠷᠭᠤᠨ; vers 1258 - 7 de març de 1291) fou el quart il-kan de Pèrsia, del 1284 al 1291. Era fill d' Abaqa i com el seu pare era budista i amb certes simpaties pels cristians (la seva mare era la cristiana Doquz Khatun) i amb general tolerància. Va tenir nombroses esposes i la la favorita fou Bulughan o ...

  4. Arghoun s’est adressé en fait à plusieurs reprises au pape et aux rois de France et d’Angleterre. Déjà en 1285 il avait fait porter une lettre au pape qui était restée sans réponse. Au retour de Rabban Sauma, en 1289, il envoie un autre émissaire, un Gênois installé en Perse, Buscarello de Gisolfo, porteur de lettres au pape Nicolas, à Philippe le Bel ainsi qu’à Edouard Ier ...

  5. 19 mai 2021 · Son frère puis son fils Arghoun lui succédèrent en 1284. Au cours de cette période, les Mamelouks, des Musulmans égyptiens, avaient pris le contrôle de la Terre sainte et représentaient une menace militaire pour le khanat. L’ilkhan au pouvoir élut Bar Sauma en tant que chef d’une délégation envoyée en Europe pour y convaincre les grands dirigeants de rejoindre une campagne ...

  6. 9 nov. 2017 · The Mongolian-descended Mahmud Ghazan was born around 1271 and was raised by his grandfather (Abagha Khan, r. 1265-1282) and his father (Arghun Khan, r. 1284-1291) to be a follower of the Buddhist faith. When Abagha Khan died, his son, Teguder, became the new khan of the Ilkhanate. Yet, Teguder’s brother, Arghun successfully raised a large ...

  7. › wiki › BerkeBerke - Wikipedia

    Berke was born to Jochi, the eldest son of Genghis Khan. There is no clear consensus regarding the year of Berke's birth. Mamluk ambassadors visiting him in 663 AH (1264/5) described him as fifty-six years old. This gives him a birth date somewhere between 1207 and 1209. However, contemporary Persian chronicler Juzjani claims that Berke was ...