Yahoo France Recherche Web

Résultats de recherche

  1. Ad Library. Search all the ads currently running across Meta technologies, as well as: Ads about social issues, elections or politics that have run in the past seven years. Ads that have run anywhere in the EU in the past year. To find an ad, search for keywords or an advertiser. See what's new.

  2. Ad Library - Meta Business Suite

  3. Bibliothèque publicitaire. Recherchez toutes les publicités actuellement diffusées sur les technologies Meta, ainsi que : Les publicités portant sur des thèmes sociaux, des élections ou la politique qui ont été diffusées au cours des sept dernières années. Publicités qui ont été diffusées n’importe où dans l’UE au cours de ...

  4. Explore and compare ads across Meta technologies with Facebook's Ad Library, a transparent tool that provides ad details and insights.

  5. Ad Library - Facebook

  6. Find and compare ads from Meta platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, by keywords, topics, countries, and media types. The Ad Library is a public and transparent tool.

  7. Ad Library. Search all the ads currently running across Meta technologies, as well as: Ads about social issues, elections or politics that have run in the past seven years. Ads that have run anywhere in the EU in the past year. To find an ad, search for keywords or an advertiser. See what's new.

  1. Recherches associées