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  1. George W. Bush con su padre George H. W. Bush en los jardines de la Casa Blanca el 22 de abril de 1992. En 1978, Bush se postuló como candidato a la Cámara de Representantes por el 19.º distrito congresional de Texas. Su oponente, Kent Hance, lo retrató como una persona sin contacto con la población rural texana.

  2. Il y a 3 jours · George W. Bush - Presidency: Bush was the first Republican president to enjoy a majority in both houses of Congress since Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s. Taking advantage of his party’s strength, Bush proposed a $1.6 trillion tax-cut bill in February 2001. A compromise measure worth $1.35 billion was passed by Congress in June, despite Democratic objections that it unfairly benefited the ...

  3. 6 févr. 2019 · 6 juillet 1946 : Naissance de George W. Bush George W. Bush naît le 6 juillet 1946 à New Haven, dans l’Etat du Connecticut. Son père George Herbert Walker Bush et sa mère Barbara lui donneront par la suite cinq frères et sœurs. Lorsqu'il sera élu président en 2000 et 2004, Bush mettra souvent en avant la famille, valeur conservatrice ...

  4. George W. Bush, Göran Persson och Romano Prodi i Sverige (2001). George W. Bush och Fredrik Reinfeldt i Vita huset (maj 2007). Som tillträdd president uttalade Bush 2001 sitt motstånd mot Kyotoprotokollet, som syftar till att införa bindande mål för minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser.

  5. › bush-family › george-w-bushGeorge W. Bush

    Today, President Bush remains actively involved in issues of national and global concern through the George W. Bush Institute, a policy institute that is part of the Center and operated by the George W. Bush Foundation. He continues to emphasize education, global health, human freedom, and support of the military.

  6. George W. Bush con Papa Giovanni Paolo II in Vaticano nel 2001 Il presidente George W. Bush si rivolge all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite a New York sulle questioni riguardanti l'Iraq (2002) George W. Bush con la sua controparte messicana Vicente Fox nel 2005 George W. Bush con gli altri leader politici al vertice del G8 del 2006 a San Pietroburgo (Russia) Il presidente Bush stringe la ...

  7. George Bush er eldste sønn av USAs tidligere president George H.W. Bush og førstedame Barbara Bush. Etter å ha gjennomført sin utdanning ved Yale University i 1968, etterfulgt av Harvard Business School i 1975, arbeidet Bush i oljeindustrien.