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  1. 5 mai 2017 · When most people think of the civil rights movement, they think of Martin Luther King, Jr., whose "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963 and his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize the following year. Malcolm X’s embrace of black separatism, however, shifted the debate over how to achieve freedom and equality by laying the groundwork for the Black ...

  2. 10 avr. 2020 · Enfant pauvre du Michigan, issu d'une famille modeste martyrisée par le Klu Klux Klan, jeune délinquant emprisonné puis icône de la libération des Noirs, Malcolm X, né en 1925, assassiné à 40 ans, a eu plusieurs noms, plusieurs vies, et sa verve rageuse continue de provoquer de vifs débats.

  3. Malcolm X est un personnage mythique de l'Amérique multiculturelle contemporaine. Pourtant, quand il était en vie et même au lendemain de son assassinat, le 21 février 1965, rares étaient ceux qui osaient prendre la défense d'un homme à la réputation sulfureuse, aimé uniquement des Noirs des ghettos, qui se reconnaissaient en lui.

  4. Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother was the National recording secretary for the Marcus Garvey Movement which commanded millions of followers in the 1920s and 30s.

  5. 19 déc. 2012 · De Malcolm Little... Né Malcolm Little le 19 mai 1925 dans le Nebraska, Malcolm X perd son père, Earl, à l’âge de 4 ans. Prêcheur baptiste et actif supporter du leader nationaliste noir Marcus Garvey, Earl Little est retrouvé mort, son corps écrasé par un tramway.

  6. Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother was the National recording secretary for the Marcus Garvey Movement which commanded millions of followers in the 1920s and 30s.

  7. 9 août 2024 · Malcolm X - Civil Rights, Activism, Legacy: In 1963 there were deep tensions between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad over the political direction of the Nation. Malcolm urged that the Nation become more active in the widespread civil rights protests instead of just being a critic on the sidelines. Muhammad’s violations of the moral code of the Nation further worsened his relations with Malcolm ...

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