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  1. Il y a 6 jours · V Azijo se je kot vodilni v seštevku sezone podal slovenski zvezdnik tega športa Tim Gajser, ki ima pred zasledovalci v elitnem razredu MXGP že 34 točk naskoka. Gajser je zmagal na zadnji dirki v Maggiori, s tem pa še povečal naskok v seštevku sezone. Izkoristil je tudi smolo svetovnega prvaka Španca Jorgeja Prada, ki je v drugi vožnji ...

  2. 8 juin 2024 · Encore un bon samedi pour Tim Gajser (Pic@PH) Valk reprend du terrain Bonne opération en Europe 250 pour Cas Valk qui s’impose devant Karlis Reisulis, auteur d’une belle course à domicile.

  3. 16 juin 2024 · MONACO (Principality of Monaco) 26 April 2023 – The FIM Motocross World Championship is going to Portugal for the second year in a row to mark the fifth stop of the 2023 campaign. The circuit of Agueda is historic and has been on the calendar for a long time, since 1985. The 2023 MXGP of Portugal will mark the 24 th MXGP event of the circuit ...

  4. Il y a 5 jours · Movie: Tim Gajser training on his own track in Slovenia. June 28, 2024. After a weekend of rest, the MXGP World Championship continues this weekend in Indonesia. Tim Gajser is in the lead in the standings and is well prepared coming into the race in Indonesia. Watch how Gajser was training at his home track in Slovenia.

  5. Il y a 4 jours · While Team HRC rider Tim Gajser has had one of the best seasons of his career, as he takes a 122-point lead into the final four rounds of the 2022 MXGP championship, you start to get the feeling that the road to that fifth Motocross World Title can bring up some obstacles. Entering the deep sand circuit there was no lack of confidence to gain maximum points.

  6. 9 juin 2024 · Slovenski motokrosist Tim Gajser je osvojil drugo mesto na dirki svetovnega prvenstva v latvijskem Kegumsu, potem ko je bil v obeh vožnjah drugi. Zmagal je Nizozemec Jeffrey Herlings, je pa Gajser prevzel vodstvo v seštevku sezone v elitnem razredu MXGP, kjer ima zdaj štiri točke naskoka pred svetovnim prvakom Špancem Jorgejem Pradom ...

  7. 16 juin 2024 · En fin de compte, Gajser a marqué le plus de points, soit 47, tandis que Herlings en a marqué 45. Seewer était loin derrière avec 36, Vlaanderen en a marqué 34 et Bogers en a marqué 33. En regardant le classement du championnat, Gajser a maintenant un total de 511 points, Prado en a 477 et Herlings en a 440.