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  1. Der Spiegel est l'hebdomadaire au plus gros tirage en Allemagne et en Europe. La révélation de scandales politiques ainsi que l'affaire du Spiegel (suite à la publication en 1962 d'un article controversé, ses collaborateurs avaient été accusés de haute trahison) ont rehaussé encore sa renommée.

  2. Spiegel Online was one of the most widely read news sites in Germany. It was founded with an editorial team of its own that is independent of the parent magazine. At the beginning of 2020 the website was renamed and redesigned. The printed news magazine and the online portal now both appear under the name Der Spiegel, with a uniform design.

  3. Spiegel Online figurait parmi les portails d'information au plus fort rayonnement en Allemagne. Fondé par le magazine Der Spiegel, les deux rédactions étaient toutefois indépendantes. Début 2020, le site Internet a été renommé et a fait l'objet d'une refonte. Le magazine d'information imprimé et le portail en ligne sont désormais tous les deux publiés sous le nom de Der Spiegel et ...

  4. Der Spiegel. Der Spiegel is the highest circulation weekly magazine in Germany and Europe. Its exposure of political scandals as well as the Spiegel affair of 1962, when the paper was accused of high treason after publishing a critical article, further secured its reputation. According to an editorial statute all information published must be ...

  5. 5 sept. 2024 · Volkswagen dans la tourmente. Le premier constructeur automobile d’Europe, le groupe Volkswagen, n’exclut plus des fermetures de site et des suppressions de postes y compris, chose inédite, sur le sol allemand. Selon la direction, les économies effectuées à ce jour pourraient ne pas suffire à empêcher que le groupe ne glisse dans le ...

  6. 19 nov. 2022 · Yes, Spiegel is solid and trustworthy. There will always be haters, because they aren't perfect or their political lean is too far left/not left enough or whatever. But Spiegel Online one of the major news sources in Germany and Der Spiegel overall has been a staple in the serious German press landscape for decades.

  7. 9 déc. 2017 · Dr. Spiegel just really seemed to care about the whole experience for his patients. So I went through all the standard pre-surgery stuff as normal (And took some final "before" pictures). Dr. Spiegel and his two students from before came in to check in on me and my mom, and gave her the number for a direct line to the OR if she wanted updates ...

  8. 25 juil. 2021 · J'ai été facturé environ 10 dollars pour cela. Certains d'entre vous peuvent-ils me dire ce que c'est et pourquoi j'ai payé, merci d'avance.

  9. 9 mars 2024 · Spiegel is the real treasure. Anime. It seems that only king Solomon knew how to tame/ make contract with Spiegel. If any monarch at the time is as wise as the dead king, he would command the mages and explorers to capture Spiegel alive at all costs then put it hidden in his palace as addition to his current security detail.

  10. 12 mars 2024 · Could Spiegel beat Serie? Anime. Spiegel can make a perfect copy of anyone that enters the dungeon. We know from one of the test takers that the copies don't have any special weaknesses, in fact they're even stronger than the original because they're automatically immune to hypnosis. I think of every being we've seen so far, Spiegel would have ...

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